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int - resort - evening - byeol's pov


The afternoon passed quickly and I spent my time repenting about my actions and harshness to Yongsun.

I decided to take a bath and get ready for the evening, specifically for the bonfire.

Yooa texted me almost every minute to remind me and to make sure that I will come.

I changed into a paired sweatshirt and pants and I wore a baseball cap.

The weather outside was quite chilly and I am not in the mood to dress extra.

I texted Yooa that I'm ready and as soon as I sent it someone knocks on the door.

It was Yooa.

"Eonni!" She exclaimed while smiling widely.

"Woah I didn't expect you fetch me. Too scared I might ditch you?" I asked her as I made my way out.

"Yeah you're a bit anti-social so I'm worried about you ditching me," Yooa replied while chuckling.

"I am a woman of my words Yooa," I told her and smiled at her.

When we got to the shore where the fire was already lit and a lot of students are having fun. Roasting marshmallows, playing the guitars, singing and bunch more of stuff my excitement rose at the same time I feel nervous.

"You're with me Byeol Yi, don't be nervous," Yooa said while poking my cheeks with her fingers.

"Hey, guys!" Yooa gathers the attention of the students.

Everyone immediately turns their head and stopped what they were doing and looked at us.

"I want you to meet Byeol Yi and please make friends with her."

Yooa told them.

Everybody greeted me warmly which takes my nervousness away. They shook hands with and some even hugged me.

"Nice to meet you too," I replied to Chanmi, one of Yooa's friend.

"Come sit with us!" Chanmi dragged me along and pulled me to sit here with their group of friends. They greeted and smiled at me which made me feel at ease.

They talk about a bunch of stuff while roasting a marshmallow on the fire.

"Hey, it's the president." One of them pointed excitedly, Ash.

I turned my head to where Ash was pointing.

There is Yongsun in her teddy bear pyjamas walking in our spot. But as soon as she saw me her smiling face disappeared.

She sat across me.

"Here noona, a hot pack for you." Gerald shyly said as he gave Yongsun his hot pack.

Yongsun smiled and took the hot pack.

I didn't notice that I was staring at her until Chanmi elbowed me slightly.

"Hey? Are you okay?"

"Yes haha." I awkwardly said.

To save my awkward ass, Yooa came in the perfect time. She sat beside me and Chanmi moves a little.

I glanced at Yongsun. But she never once glanced at me since she came here. She's talking and laughing with Rina.

"So what's going on here?" Yooa excitedly said.

"Nothing much Yooa, it's quite boring. Gerald keeps on eating marshmallows." Ash said while pointing at Gerald who is stuffing his mouth with a marshmallow, that makes everyone giggled.

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