Part 1

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The scented creamy white paper was resting on your bare hands. Your eyes traveled to each word laid before them, then you found Bridesmaid – Lee Y/N. It was no other than, you. A faint smile formed on your lips recalling what just happened to you the other day. Why was Jimin acting like he never met you? You were hurt because you've known him since childhood. You were best friends. "Does he really can't remember me?" You asked yourself.

Then, you came across his name Park Jimin. The Groom. It seemed that to him, you were a total stranger. Were you just hallucinating that he was the same Jimin you've known since childhood? No! You were so sure of it. Your cousin's fiancé and your best friend were the same person. But why is he acting like it was the first time he had seen you?

You gently pushed the invitation letter back to the drawer where you kept it. For a moment, you've thought about your cousin Tara. Whenever you got the chance to speak with Jimin alone, she would always pop out of nowhere. You strongly believed that it was just a coincidence, but a part of you was saying it wasn't. It was like, she never wanted to leave you alone with Jimin. Is there something wrong with getting to know her fiancé?

While staring at the vanity mirror in front of you, you heard your phone rang. It was from Tara.

"Hey Y/N! Are you free today?" She excitedly asked.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Oh my gosh! Don't tell me that you've forgotten about it?"

"I'm sorry. Can you help me recall what we need to do today?"

"You'll be helping me choose a bridal gown. That's our schedule for today."

"Oh snap! I'll be ready in a few minutes. Where are you?"

You heard your cousin laughed on the other line, "Don't worry Y/N, I'm still preparing. I'll drop by your house."

"Got it. Seeya!"

"See you Y/N!"

You were now at the dress shop with Tara. She was too excited to pick out a dress that she had totally forgotten about you. You were left alone scanning the beautiful white gowns in front of you. You were imagining your own wedding. What it's going to be like? Where would it be like? Then you sighed and whispered to yourself, "I don't even have a boyfriend yet. Let alone these wedding fantasies."

Just when you were about to go back to the couch and wait for Tara, a mellow male voice approached you. "Hey Y/N."

It was none other than Jimin. He stood in front of you and you felt your heart skipped a beat. Something that you never felt before. You could feel your cheeks burning and you did your best to calm down, and hide them.

"Ji-Jimin?" You stuttered. Then continued, "I thought you won't be able to accompany my cousin today."

He shyly rubbed the back of his neck and spoke, "She insisted. And I can't say no to her."

It's really him, you thought to yourself as you stared at the man in front of you. His eye smile is still the same.

"Jimin," you were about to ask him the question you've been dreading to know the answer when your cousin came back with the white gown she chose. Her eyes went wide while seeing you together with Jimin. She tried to hide it by quickly changing her expression. But you've already seen it. What's wrong with her? You wondered.

"Babe," she put herself in between you and Jimin. "What are you doing here?" She slowly put her hand on her fiancé's arm for you to witness it.

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