Part 3

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You got woken up to the sound of two men talking. You gently rubbed your eyes, making the white glossy paper fell down to the floor. Its back was facing you. You jolted up making the two men became silent. Behind the couch where you slept was Jungkook, and in front of you was Jimin. And that was when you realized that you fell asleep on Jungkook's couch while waiting for him to take you home. Yeah, he was supposed to take you home last night after the dinner, but upon receiving a call saying that Jimin was drunk and wasted, he didn't hesitate to pick up his cousin first.

"Jungkook," you turned to his direction and noticed the intense glare he was giving Jimin. "What's wrong?" You asked as you tried to get up on the couch. However, you stumbled and almost fell down on the floor when Jimin caught you. Your back was now resting on his chest, while your faces were only inches away. Both of his hands held your waist for support and you could feel his breathing fanning over your face. You and him both shared stares that held longing. Then suddenly, you felt your heart beating like crazy. In your mind, you kept telling yourself that your heart should not be acting this way. He's going to marry your cousin and gonna be in-laws soon. But your heart won't cooperate. It was like, it has a mind of its own. Why is it suddenly beating like this?

Meanwhile, Jimin was feeling the same thing. His mind was battling with his heart. He kept feeling this weird thing – he had seen you somewhere before but where?

Jungkook cleared his throat, making you and Jimin detach from your spot. "Jimin, your phone is ringing." The close friend of yours spoke with a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

Jimin quickly took his phone out and made his way towards the front door. His body didn't want to go yet, but his mind was telling him the opposite.

"Y/N, why are you holding on to that photo of Jimin and Tara from childhood?" Jungkook pointed towards the glossy paper lying on the floor. He was totally confused by your actions.

"Jungkook, it wasn't Tara. It was the eight-year-old me. It's me."

"Babe, welcome back home!" Tara ran towards Jimin as soon as he entered their house. She was so excited to greet Jimin to deliver great news. Well, it's great news for her. She gave him a hug then spoke, "Your parents and my parents agreed to move the wedding to an earlier date."

"Wait, what?!" The man was beyond shock upon hearing the news. They didn't consult with him first, he thought.

"Is there something wrong with that?" Tara asked innocently.

"Tara," Jimin walked past Tara and continued, "What's the rush all about? I mean, we already sent the wedding invitations, and creating another one is costly and might possibly take time."

"Baaabe," Tara cooed and moved towards Jimin, hugging him from behind. "I just love you so much that I want this marriage to happen as soon as possible."


"Please? I just can't wait any longer."

"What?!" Jungkook's widened eyes showed that he was totally surprised upon hearing your words. He could not believe the story that you just told him. "So, you mean Tara had been lying all this time?"

Not a word left your mouth, as you were too disappointed with your cousin's actions. You trusted her and treated her like a sister, but why did she have to pretend that it was her on the photo that you got on Jimin's wallet?

"Y/N, I I-I'm-"

"I know Jungkook. It's shocking," you slowly shook your head sideways.

You were both sitting on the couch of his living room, and his veiny hands were holding the photo that you and Jimin took when you were younger. "I never even thought that Tara will get to this point," you added.

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