Part 7

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For you, it feels like everything that happened was just a dream. From Jimin coming back to your life, like he didn't know you – well, he really didn't at first, almost made your heart crushed. You always thought that he was the type of person to never keep a promise, but he wasn't. To know that your cousin Tara, had manipulated his memories about you and told him that it was her instead of you. Yeah, how can life be so complicated?

Now, you were once again back to your old hometown, the place where you first met him. Breathing the fresh air as you stood at the beachfront, you surely are having the time of your life. You were wearing a not too bright yellow loose dress. Your hair was blown by the wind as you smiled. Suddenly, you felt a pair of strong arms hugging you from the back.

"You're beautiful as always Y/N," the man spoke breathlessly near your ear. His chin was touching your shoulder.

"Hey..." You giggled at his touch.

He hugged you tighter and spoke, "I'm truly grateful to have you Y/N. I will always and forever love you."

"Stop it Jimin! It sounds so cringey."

"Why? Admit it, you love to hear it," he chuckled behind you.

"So, what are we doing here?" You asked Jimin. You've been wanting to know why he insisted to take you here. And yes, the wedding planned for him and Tara never happened. Both of their families agreed to still continue doing business with each other. Tara's parents accepted that Tara was the one at fault, and they sent her overseas to reflect on her actions. They didn't want their daughter, which also happened to be your cousin to cause another trouble.

"Hmmm," Jimin started nervously. He walked to your side and slowly bent with his one knee on the ground. Your heart started beating crazily with his actions. He stared directly into your eyes then took something out of his pocket. A little red box.

"Y/N," he continued. "We've been through a lot these past few months and I don't know how I'll go on with my life without you by my side. And, I don't simply want you to stay by my side, I want you to be mine. And me to be yours. Until our last breaths."

His long and nimble fingers opened the little red box, and there you saw a little rounded sparkling thing. He took a deep breath then spoke, "Lee Y/N, will you marry me?"

For a second, you were left speechless. There were no words to explain what you were feeling. Yes, you've fallen in love with him, but you were quite scared because he only got to remember you a few days ago.

"Y/N?" Jimin was alarmed by your reaction. Was he going way too fast? He thought to himself.

"Jimin, are you sure about thi-"

"Y/N, I may have only remembered you a few days ago. But my heart never forgot you. You are always here," he pointed to the middle of his chest.

"You know what grandma Han would always say?"

He smiled as he also remembered the words of the old woman. Then, you both spoke at the same time, "Go now before it's too late."

You both held gazes with each other. He was waiting for your answer, while you gave him a reassuring smile and said, "Yes, Jimin."

His eyes widened after hearing your response. He gently put the ring on your finger and carried your lithe body. He was never this happy in his entire life. You were the only one who could make him feel this way.

"Momma!" Your three-year-old daughter extended both of her arms, wanting to be carried. "Why is my baby so clingy?" You babytalk and bent down to her level. You slowly picked her up while she hugged you back.

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