Part 5

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The next day, Jimin decided to go home while you opted to stay for a few more days to accompany Mrs. Han. You wanted to tell him to stay, but who are you to tell him? You were not even his fiancé. For sure, he needed to get back home because Tara would be waiting for him.

"Grandma?" You approached her while she read her favorite book in the living room. Then, she adjusted her glasses to get a clearer view of you.

"Are you going home now Y/N?" She asked with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

You slowly shook your head and said, "No grandma. I'll stay here one more day and then I'll be heading back to the city. Jimin and my cousin are getting married soon. Unlucky me, I happen to be the bridesmaid."

You chuckled but you didn't sound happy. "Y/N," Mrs. Han motioned you to take a seat opposite of hers. "I heard everything that day."

Your downcast eyes met the floor. Surely, this old woman in front of you, knew who you are.

"Y/N," she continued in her weak voice. "I was very glad that you and Jimin came to visit me. I was feeling lonely and all. Jackson would come and drop by but not all the time. What I wanted to say is that" she paused as she studied your face. Your unblinking eyes met hers, "If you love someone, don't waste time by just sitting and waiting. Be vocal about it and tell that person how much you truly love him. Else, you'll regret it in the end."

She noticed the confused look drawn upon your face and spoke again, "I know that you love him. I know that you have feelings for Jimin. I can see it in your eyes whenever you look at him."

You were surprised to hear her say those words. Were you that obvious?

She smiled and reached for your hand, "Go now Y/N before it's too late."

"But he doesn't remember me, grandma."

"Don't give up Y/N. Maybe there's a reason why he could not remember you."

"Grandma," tears welled up in your face.

"They say, to never separate a match made in heaven," a warm smile left her lips. Mrs. Han would always support you no matter what.

"Tara," Jimin spoke while Tara sat opposite him at the dining table.

"Yes?" Her voice was sweet yet it annoyed Jimin. He didn't know why but he didn't deal much about it.

"Do you remember this photo that we took from our younger years?" Jimin pulled out the photo from his wallet and showed it to Tara.

The woman in front of him became tensed. She wasn't sure what kind of alibi she will have to come up with this time.

"Ye-yeah? What ab-bout it?" She stuttered unconsciously, making Jimin suspect that there was something wrong. Why is he only noticing it now? Perhaps, was Y/N telling him the truth?

"Where did we take this photo again?" Jimin asked. Though, he already knew what the answer was. He just wanted to hear it from Tara. If she isn't lying, she should know the answer, he thought to himself.

"Well," Tara started confidently. "I'm sure you have forgotten about it since we took it before you had amnesia. That was taken at your house in America."

"Aaahhh..." That was all that Jimin could say. Tara was lying. That picture was taken before Jimin flew to America. Perhaps, was it really you? But why he could not remember you?

"Hmmm... How about grandma Han? Do you remember her?"

"What's with all the questions from the past Jimin?" Tara let out a nervous giggle as she tried to divert the topic to something else.

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