Part 2

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"Y/N," Tara forced a smile upon seeing you come into the dining room. She never expected that the other guest that Mr. and Mrs. Jeon were waiting for was you. She never thought that you were the close friend that their son Jungkook, Jimin's cousin would be bringing over to dinner.

"Tara?" You were surprised to see her sitting across Mr. Jeon.

"What's wrong Y/N?" Mrs. Jeon gently patted your back as she looked from Tara to you. "Do you know each other?"

"Yes auntie, she's my cousin."

"That's great then. This is Jimin by the way," the sweet but not too old lady, motioned with her right hand. "Jungkook's cousin."

A thin smile formed on your lips. You were still quite confused as to why Jimin was acting like this. Are you really just a stranger to him? But Jungkook confirmed that Jimin went to America when he was younger. For sure, there were a lot of Park Jimin in this world. But the man sitting here in front of you, why does he act like you are nobody to him?

"Y/N?" Jungkook's voice echoed in your ear. "Take a seat," he pulled out the chair for you and you were now sitting beside Mrs. Jeon. While Jungkook took the empty chair on your left.

On the other hand, you noticed Tara became uneasy. Her eyes never left yours.

"Tara, are you alright?" You asked your cousin who was sitting opposite Mrs. Jeon. Across you was Jimin. Then, there was Mr. Jeon sitting at the center, his wife was on his left.

"Y-yeah, I just can't believe that you are close to the Jeon's."

"Of course, she's like a daughter to us." Mrs. Jeon answered for you, giving you a warm smile. Then continued, "Shall we? The food is getting cold."

You didn't know why but you felt like Tara didn't want you to be here. Whenever you tried to start a conversation with her, her responses were always short.

"Hey Y/N," Jungkook whispered as he leaned his body close to you. "Is there something wrong between you and your cousin?"

You shook your head as a response.

"It's just that," Jungkook tilted his head unsure if he should tell you what he noticed. "Never mind. Did you like what our chef cooked for today?"

"Yeah," your lips curved up.

Meanwhile, the man sitting across you could not keep his eyes off of you. You were breathtakingly beautiful in his eyes. Your smile, he felt that he had seen it before, but where?

Tara cleared her throat and spoke, "Jimin. I think we need to go now."

All of you turned your heads towards Jimin and Tara. Your cousin looked so pissed and you never had any idea of what was going on.

"But we just started dinner," Jimin complained.

"Let's go home," her stern voice made Jimin stood up from the chair and followed her command.

As soon as they were gone, Jungkook spoke, "I never thought that your cousin has an 'attitude'."

"Maybe she's just going through something," you told him.

Mrs. Jeon who was quietly watching the situation didn't agree with what you just said. In more than forty years of her existence, she already met and mingled with a lot of people. She knew there was totally off with Tara.

"What was that for?!" Jimin angrily spoke while Tara stormed inside the house that they were sharing. "Why did you have to be so rude in front of my uncle and auntie?!"

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