Part 4

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"I'm so sorry," Jimin quickly took his hand away upon noticing what he was doing and went to put the plates on the sink. His back was facing yours while you looked at him sadly.

"How could you easily have forgotten about me?" You quietly whispered to yourself as you watched him washed the dishes.

Later that night, you told Jimin that he can sleep alone in the room Mrs. Han offered, while you thought of sleeping on the couch in the living room. At first, you and he argued but you ended up winning the conversation. You took an extra blanket and pillow from the room where Jimin will stay and proceeded to the living room.

Hours passed by and you still could not get yourself to sleep. Your eyes lingered on the bright blue moon shining above you. Its light was passing through the translucent window placed in Mrs. Han's living room. You slowly got up, got yourself a water, and walked towards the garden. The cold breeze made you shiver but that didn't stop you from admiring the night sky outside. You found an empty chair and sat on it.

Staring at the brilliant full moon you said, "I guess I am nothing but an old memory from the past. And he has totally forgotten about me." You slowly gulped the water from the glass resting on your pale hands and felt the chilly wind brushed through your face. Even the wind is cold, you thought to yourself.

The morning came and Jimin was woken up by blinding lights the sun was giving off. He gently rubbed his eyes and scooted towards the living room. There, he found your cute sleeping figure. Your small body was still covered with a blanket.

His feet led him towards your direction. Soon, he adjusted his body so his eyes could get a closer look at your face. His one knee touched the floor while he lowered his body. Subsequently, his hand tucked a few strands of your hair, so he could see the beauty hiding behind it. Then, his lips curved up adoring your quietly sleeping figure.

He wasn't really aware of what he was doing until Mrs. Han spoke, "I knew you like her."

Jimin immediately stood up from the spot and bowed to greet the old woman, "Good morning grandma. It's not wh-what you th-thin-"

"It's alright Jimin. I can see it in your eyes," Mrs. Han gently spoke.

"But I can't have feelings for someone else. I'm in love with my childhood best friend and we are about to get married soon," Jimin explained.

The old woman was surprised to hear Jimin's words. Maybe that was why there was an awkward tension between the two of you? However, Mrs. Han was aware that Jimin's childhood best friend was none other than you. Maybe the boy found a special friend when he went overseas when he was younger?

"Good morning Mrs. Han," a mischievous male voice popped out of nowhere making Jimin and the old woman turned in the direction where it came from. It was none other than the helper of Mrs. Han on her grapes farm, Jackson. In fact, Mrs. Han had a lot of helpers, but Jackson was her most trusted one.

"Good morning Jackson. What made you drop by here today?" Mrs. Han slowly walked towards the bold young man. But instead of responding to the old woman's question, his eyes found you and said, "I didn't know that you have such a lovely visitor, Mrs. Han."

You slowly sat up on the couch, unaware of what was going. Then, there was Jackson making his way to you, "Good morning sunshine!" He greeted.

You were surprised to see an unfamiliar man approached you. And you didn't know what to do, so you ended up looking from Mrs. Han to Jimin innocently. Meanwhile, Jimin was trying to hide the uneasiness rising up on him. He didn't like what he was seeing, another man getting close to you.

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