Part 6

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The wedding ceremony started, both you and Jungkook were part of the entourage. He was the groomsman while you were the bridesmaid. And as a close friend of yours, he knew what exactly you were feeling.

"Y/N," he whispered close to your ear. "I'm not blind, I can see that you are sad."

You forced a smile and said, "I may not look okay today. But I'm going to be fine soon." You needed to be strong for yourself.

"Y/N, there's something that I hav-"

Jungkook was unable to complete his words when one of the wedding organizers approached the both of you, "Are you the bridesmaid and the groomsman?"

"Yes," you answered.

"Okay, you guys are up next. Follow me," he instructed while both of you walked behind him.

Near the altar, there stood Jimin while waiting for the bride to walk down the aisle. He seemed to be troubled with the thoughts going through his mind, and most of them were all about you.

"Jimin, are you alright?" His mom asked him. Mr. and Mrs. Park arrived a few days before their son's wedding. They made sure that their business in America was all good before leaving.

"Yes mom," Jimin responded but deep down inside he wasn't. Why would you always cross his mind?

Then, there you came. You and Jungkook walked inside with your hand clung to the young man's arm. You could not deny the fact that Jungkook looked more handsome than he ever was but your heart didn't skip a beat for him like it always did whenever you get close to Jimin.

Meanwhile, Jimin was left astounded by your beauty. He took a deep breath in as he admired the beauty approaching him. He was aware that his heartbeat would race with every second passing whenever you were close to him. But today was different. He cannot get himself to look away from you. Then, you found his eyes and both of you locked gazes. You felt that his eyes captured yours and you could get away from it. Slowly, a tear rolled down your eye.

Jungkook noticed it and held your waist for support, "Are you sure you can do this?"

You turned from Jimin to Jungkook and said, "Don't worry about me Jungkook. I can handle it."

The way Jungkook held and stared at you made Jimin clenched his fists. He should not be feeling this way, as he was about to get married to someone else. But why is he feeling... jealous? He quickly shook his head thinking that it could help in erasing whatever thought ran through his mind. However, he was wrong. Every step you took closer to him, made him regret the decision he made. He was starting to think again, were the things Tara mentioned were all a lie?

Suddenly, a memory from the past flashbacked on his mind. It was the one from he was younger before he and his family fled to America.

..."Promise that you'll keep in touch?" The eight-year-old Y/N let out her right pinky finger and extended it towards the person sitting beside her.

"Promise," a warm smile crept up the boy's face as he intertwined his pinky finger with Y/N's. His black hair matched his innocent look.

"Call me every day!" It sounded more like a command rather than just a mere request.

The boy who was sitting beside Y/N pinched both of her cheeks gently, "Y/Nieeeeee, I will. I promise."

"Don't you dare break your promise," Y/N crossed her arms.

"I promise," he assured...

It was all blurry at first but when it became clearer, Jimin could visibly see the resemblance. It was you. It wasn't Tara.

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