Chapter 27

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You know what i love about exes come back?

It's when some unanswered questions are finally solved.


When the uncomfortable feelings that you throw off the cliff is crawling back to haunt you.

But what's more interesting is..

When you said..

"It will be the last time i'll cry or lust for you."


"I won't fall for your trap anymore,I'm stronger and wiser now."

then suddenly.

You both found yourself in the same FUCKING PLACE!!


Quite wise and strong..

Sure do.

Suit yourself,Iron men!

"What do you mean "You can't"?It's a big opportunity for our company,Mr.Kim."

The two are having discussion in the office while drinking coffee on a dull afternoon.

Yiren on the other hand is interrogating the CEO himself about the partnership with Mr.Patel and Taehyung somehow has pretty good reasons to back out,that he's trying to convince his secretary.

"I..just can't okay?I'm sure we'll have another chance for big time partners."

"What?What are you talking about?When did you learn how to back down in an apportunity Mr.Kim Taehyung?"

"Yiren,please..stop making me guilty for goodness sake."

"Alright,Mr.Kim..i'll support you where ever it might take us."

"Huh?..Wow!Your strategies are all in a new level,Yerin."

Taehyung turned his head towards the other as he lift one of his eyebrows and giving an amused look that made the female giggle before roasting the said guy.

"'m not pointing fingers to anything,it's just THAT!!..i found out ,your ex-boyfriend is your rival in this account."

"What?Where did you get that from?"

"I don't know probably with you as well,but whatever you feel uncomfortable,you can walk away,TaeTae.Me and the whole company are here to back you up."

"Thank you,Yiren."

"Your always welcome,CEO Kim."

" answer, are you gonna miss that trip and lose the chance to get cream pied by your hot ex-boyfriend or dig on the partnership and be the most successful businessman in Australia?"

"Excuse me,Yirennn!!!You're still talking to your boss!! And for goodness sake,i was the top, okay? Get out of my office and get the contract to Mr.Sue!!!"

"Woaahh..woaah..CEO Kim, relax...i'm just asking okay? Don't be too obvious to get laid..tsk..tsk..Aissst.."

After his secretary left, Taehyung just sat and turn the swivel chair around to face the other side.

The wall.

Just staring blankly at the dull solid wall while reminiscing how awkward it is when they got stuck in the same elevator with Jungkook and he never knew that they will meet again in this kind of situation.

As enemies.

But his ego won't let it happen, making a big decision to keep his and the other world a better place to live.

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