Chapter 29

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To be honest,this might be my favorite part of the story.

Where two people are trying to convince each other that they're better than before.

That they moved on.

That looking to each other's eyes wont be harder than three years ago.

The first part of moving on.

The refusal.


Two ex-lovers in a room for three days.

What could happen?

I mean they will surely argue.

Mostly gonna make awkward scenes.

Nevertheless could be more intimate.

But what i'm concerned of is..

How the hell are they gonna sleep peacefully on one bed.

Knowing perfectly in their mind how they taste.

Their scent.

The texture of each other's skin.

But most of all..

A huge villa with three rooms?


Are you a fucking joke?


Hey!Who said that?


Who me?

"It was all my freaking plan."

Ahhh..our very own,Ms.Yiren,everyone.Can you give her a round of applause..ANYWAY.

Back to the boys.

Almost lunch time,Taehyung and Jungkook are like two magnets in the same room,deep within their hearts wanted to be close but their minds are making efforts to avoid getting close to each other.

If Taehyung is on the couch,Jungkook will go to the other side of the room and make himself busy.

If Jungkook is on the bed,Taehyung makes effort to look the other way and glue his eyes on the laptop.

Seems like they are in a place where it's really difficult to NOT see each other.

Until Yiren saved their lives,speaking on the other side of the door and telling them to go.

"Mr. Kim,Mr.Jeon,lunch is ready!"

Without making any contact,Taehyung and Jungkook turned their heads on the door,and telepathically wondering who's gonna open the door because...


Richest business men of South Korea and Australia.

There's no way that they're gonna open that door for the other and speaking their minds while patiently waiting.

"What?I'm opening this door for you,Jeon Jungkook??Let your wife open that for you.There's no freaking way!"

"At least open this fucking door ,'s a small thing after everything you've done and leaving me three years ago."

Another knock was heard from the other side of the door that made the two guys raged as fast as they can.

"Gentlemen?The food is ready!"

It was Mr.Patel's voice and and they wanna make a good impression so Taehyung yeet his laptop and dashed to the door while Jungkook jump out of the bed to run behind the other.

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