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Dimitri stays close to me and I'm sure he plans to for the entire trip, a watcher makes a pledge when they're assigned to a person to treat them as though their lives are tied. If I were to die whilst Dimitri was with me, he would have to die too. It just makes sure that the watchers do their job to the best of their ability – I'd like to think we were old friends now more than anything though. He's been with me since I was a newborn and was taken around the districts to be shown off with Laelia.

Barnabas moves forward, trying to act as though he has a cough and isn't trying to cover his nose. "The car should be waiting at the front of the station, shall we?"

I smile and nod and he leads me towards the car with the Capitol insignia on the rear window, the peacekeeper escort is waiting in place as I'm getting into the car and I hear the one closest to me talking into his communicuff, "This is Officer Nott, Miss Snow has arrived alone and is departing the station now. Her Father will not be joining her. Departing in 3, 2, 1." He raises his arm to someone at the front of the escort and the car begins to move.

I squint trying to see clearly through the dimmed windows, it's against protocol to put the window down in case of undetected threats but I just want so badly to be able to see everything. We pass through several streets lined with market stalls and people's washing strung from window to window. It's so different to everything I've seen at home or in the other two districts I visited. Maybe it's the way the sun shines differently here or the tranquillity but I'm so glad I asked Grandfather if I could come.

It's not been long at all when we arrive at the back door of the Town Hall, and I can hear the mumblings of the large crowd that must have formed in the square. Dimitri climbs out first and talks with the same peacekeeper who had been at the station, when they're happy with the security of the area he opens the door for me and I'm escorted into the building – the peacekeepers saluting as I walk past.

I'm directed into a large room with marble flooring and a huge crystal chandelier and I'm delighted to see who I recognise as the Mayor of District Four, "Mr Mayor it's such a pleasure to meet you."

He shakes my hand, "And it's an honor to meet you Miss Snow, we were very sorry to hear that your Father couldn't come but we're delighted to be able to welcome you to our district." He guides me over to where two young girls are waiting in the middle of the room, "My daughters were so excited to meet you, I couldn't convince them to wait on the terrace."

"That's quite alright, what beautiful girls you have," I kneel down to their level, "And what are your names?"

The older girl looks about Hestia's age and does a little curtsy, "I'm Tasselle," she nudges the younger girl next to her but she just grins up at me rather than copying her sister, "and this is Saffreen."

"That was a lovely curtsy Tasselle and Saffreen has a very pretty smile. Thank you for welcoming me to your home."

They giggle up at me and their father takes their hands, "Now girls, go on out with Dahlia."

The both give a curtsy this time before running off to their Nanny who takes them through the double doors giving me my first glimpse of the huge crowd. The town square is completely full and it's not exactly a small square by any means. I've done plenty of public speaking before, but something about this being my home district has got butterflies bouncing around in my gut. I suppose the comforting thing is that no one out there knows that this is my home district. Unless of course, my Mother is out there watching.

The Mayor turns to me and give me a reassuring smile, "They're a welcoming bunch Miss Snow. I'll go out and introduce you now."

He goes out and I can hear him addressing the crowd as Barnabas comes forward with my cue cards and the prep team give me a last-minute touch up.

Shades of Gold and Blue | Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now