Chapter 4

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Defence against the Dark Arts.

Mad-Eye Moody called Granger to the front to demonstrate the Stunning Spell. How fitting after yesterday morning's events.

As expected, Granger's demonstration was of the highest quality and resulted in a round of applause from her slimey little friends.

Typical Gryffindors.

But the cheer and support from her peers caused her golden eyes to sparkle with glee - the same eyes he had always perceived to be muddy and filthy. And given that eyes are indeed the window to the soul, he had in the past deemed them to be an accurate reflection of her blood status.

But somehow, he could not convince himself of the same this day. He began to question his sanity and was most impertinently interrupted by Pansy Parkinson.

"I believe I can guess the subject of your reverie," she mocked.

"I should imagine not."

Parkinson, a determined flirt, continued nonetheless.

"You are considering how insupportable it is to be in the constant company of such foul blood traitors and mudbloods."

"Your guess is not entirely without foundation and you would, in many situations, be correct. But my mind is currently more agreeably engaged."

"And how so?" Pansy asked whilst twirling a section of her hair around her finger.

"I have been transfixed by a pair of very fine eyes."

Pansy stroked Draco's arm seductively and drew in closer to him before whispering into his ear:

"And to whom might these fine eyes belong?"

"Miss Hermione Granger."

Pansy Parkinson's mouth dropped in astonishment and her skin grew red and furious. After shooting Granger daggers through her eyes, she stormed straight out of the classroom without another word.

Mad Eye Moody made a quick passing comment but gave the event no more attention. He really couldn't care less.

And why the fuck had Draco admitted that to Pansy? He wasn't by any means afraid of people finding out; she was far too proud to go around telling people. It was by how freely he had admitted it - out loud too - that had taken him aback. It was only a comment on her eyes of course. As far as everyone else was concerned, he still despised the obnoxious little mudblood.

Which he did. No question.


Gryffindor common room later that night.

There was much buzz and chatter in the common room that night given Dumbledore's recent revelation of the Triwizard Tournament that was to take place at Hogwarts.

The girls were as much excited by the prospect of the Durmstrang staying at their school as the boys were by that of the Beauxbatons.

Parvati suggested a game of Truth or Dare with a hint of Veritaserum in order to uncover certain people's honest opinions on past and future events.

There was an almost unanimous agreement, except for Harry and Hermione who groaned at the prospect, but their opinions were overruled by the majority.

They went round the circle, uncovering many secrets and much laughter arose from the humiliating dares. Parvati revealed her huge crush on Oliver Wood and Padma ashamedly told everyone that she and Ron had gotten down and dirty after the September formal. The girls requested more details and could hardly contain their laughter when Padma revealed his lack of sexual prowess.

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