Chapter Two

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"Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say"
Snow Patrol, Final Straw

Four years later, present.
"Jack!" Peter yelled as he looked at the array of technology on the dash, which wrapped around the room he was standing in the middle of. He ran a hand through his hair in an exasperated manor but he still had a look of confusion on his face.

"What the hell is it this time?!" Jack yelled back, running quickly into the room, he looked down at the nineteen year old standing before him. Jack actually yelled quite often, but it was never because he was mad at Peter, it generally was because they were in different parts of the building.

"There's been a slight problem..." Peter started but his voice faded as the looked back up at the man he'd known for almost ten years.

"Spit it out! What'd you do?" Jack said and took a step closer to Peter with a look of suspicion.

"Nothing! I didn't do anything, it's just there's been some strange readings." He shook his head looking down at the technology any regular person wouldn't have understood in any way. "I can't figure it out!" Jack pushed the boy out of his way, looking at the readings with a puzzled look on his face. The look on Jack's face turned from confusion to a look of shock. He turned quickly to look at Peter.

"This is a big problem, I need you to go." Peter was taken aback.

"What?" The sound of shock couldn't be hidden in his own voice. There wasn't anything Peter didn't know about the systems- so why didn't he understand this?

"Someone has hacked the system which means someone is coming, they're bad news. Get out, I'll be be out right after you." Peter nodded, he knew what that meant, it meant someone was after them again, it meant they were going back to hide somewhere else. He looked at the system for a second. It still was something different, Jack had never mentioned someone being able to hack the system. He shrugged off the thought and plucked his bow and quiver off of a small weapons rack and slipped his wrist device back onto his wrist. It was one thing he could have a happy memory of, when Jack gave it to him on his sixteenth birthday. Peter's wings had gotten too big to hide under a jacket so Jack had made a solution to the problem.

"Don't let them see you!" Jack shouted, as Peter started running to the back exit, his wings had been concealed with a glamour to help keep himself hidden. Jack quickly shut down every piece of the technology they'd had in that small building, all of what they had worked on, months of data would be down the drain. Jack shook his head as he took one last look at the scene the two had called home for months. He grabbed his pistol off of the table and took off after Peter.

Peter was standing outside the emergency exit, leaning against a wall, Jack squinted his eyes, trying to adjust his eyes to the bright sunshine.

"C'mon, we need to go." Jack said as he continued to walk and side-stepped a trash can. Peter shoved off the wall he was leaning against and followed.

"I checked the readings, they're in hot pursuit." Peter said, looking down at the device on his wrist.

"That's fucking fantastic."

"Why aren't we taking the jeep?" Peter asked, confused, every other time they'd had to escape like this they'd taken the jeep to get a head start.

"Because we can't afford to get caught this time."

"What? No, we're gonna take a bus so that we look normal?" Peter rolled his eyes and threw his hands up in an attempt to make a scene, even though there wasn't anyone else around. "Please, that's not gonna work. Our faces are plastered everywhere with these guys who want us dead."

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