5 | ʜᴇʀ ᴀɢᴀɪɴsᴛ ᴍᴇ

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Nini noticed Gina at her locker, she decided to go up to her and make things right. Although she wasn't sure why Gina didn't like her. "Hey!" Nini greeted the girl, the curly headed girl turned around to look at Nini. Nini noticed Gina make this face at her. "Okay what the fuck is your problem?" Nini snapped.

"My problem? What about yours? Do you ever know how to back the fuck off." Gina scoffed, Nini was taken aback. She didn't know why Gina was acting like this, she hardly knew the girl. "You are so damn clingy to Ricky. Just leave."

"Leave? Clingy? Please, Ricky and I were friends before your bitchass showed up. I think you should leave." Nini said harshly.

Gina rolled her eyes and pushed Nini, "move."
Nini scoffed and stood in place. She wasn't going to let this new girl ruin her friendships. Gina pushed Nini again, "MOVE." Gina softly shouted at nini so only she and nini can hear.

Nini noticed Kourtney and Carlos quickly started walking over to them. "Did you just fucking push my best friend?" Kourtney snapped.

"This isn't elementary, grow the fuck up." Carlos softly shouted at Gina.

"Awee you got your fucking minions to defend your dumbass because you're weak." Gina said mocking the three teens.

"Mess with my fucking friends again the next thing you'll see is the floor to your face, bitchass." Kourtney snapped at the girl.

"Ooo I am so scared." Gina said dramatically throwing her hands in the air.

"What's going on here?" Ricky said as he was waking up behind Gina. "Oh...hey guys."

"Ricky! Your dumbass friends were fucking bullying me." Gina lied,

"Bullying? Nini are you and your friends stuck in middle school? You guys are better than this." Ricky said harshly.

"Bullying? Bitch please, We didn't do shit to her stuck up ass." Nini bluntly said. She hated how Ricky was believing Gina so quickly.

"You guys were! This girl-"

"Kourtney?" Ricky asked, and Gina nodded her head.

"Kourtney, said she would slam my face on the fucking floor. If that isn't bullying I don't know what is." Gina lied. Well, half lied.

Nini , Carlos and Kourtney gasped. Gina was good, nini thought. Gina told a lie with the truth. What she said about Kourtney was true, but the bullying part was false. "Is this true?" Ricky asked the three teens.

"Yes! But it isn't-" before Nini could finish her sentence Ricky scoffed in disbelief.

"This jealousy you have of Gina, has to stop!" Ricky shouted at her and walked away.

"Karma's a bitch, Ni-na." Gina said giggling but before she walked away she came closer to Nini. "Oh yeah, tell your little friend that I enjoyed the kiss." Gina lastly stated and walked away giggling.

Nini was taken aback, Ricky kissed Gina? That couldn't be true. She didn't want to believe Gina but she felt like Gina was also telling the truth.

"What did she tell you?!" Kourtney eagerly asked. Nini stood there in silence, she couldn't believe what she had just heard.

"Ricky kissed Gina." Nini said quietly but loud enough for Carlos and Kourtney to hear. Her friends gasped. They were furious with Ricky but Nini told them not to do anything and that she'll handle it.

"Its me against Gina now, and I will win this bitchy war." Nini told her friends and they all nodded along with her.


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