17 | ɪs ᴛʜɪs ᴛʀᴜᴇ

866 30 57

"Hey nini." Ej said entering her room, nini quickly got up from lying on her bed and look up at Ej. "Woah your hotel room is messy."

"I know." She whined, "can you help me clean up?" Nini asked and Ej nodded.

They started cleaning up her room until it was completely clean. "Thank you." She said and Ej smiled.

"Okay, so sit down I need to ask you questions." Ej said, nini was confused but did as she was told. They both sat down on the bed.

"So the party at salt lake...Ricky told his friends that you kissed another person...Dean?"

"Yeah...but it wasn't my fault!" Nini told him and Ej furrowed his eyebrows.

"I believe you nini, I think Gina has something to do with this." Ej said and Nini's eyes widened.

"If I can remember..." nini paused and looked at Ej directly in his eyes. "Gina gave me this drink! And said Ricky wanted to give it too me. She probably drugged it. And I drank it all."

"..and she told me Dean was Ricky. I said no it wasn't Ricky but then she said I was too drunk to know who is who...." nini explained  and Ej chuckled

"So you listened to her? How dumb can you be?" Ej continued laughing.

"It's not my fault. She fucking drugged me." Nini laughed along with Ej.

"So...I'll tell Ricky this." Ej said and nini gasped.

"What? You can't. He so ducking hooked up on this bitch and can even realize that she's a bad person." Nini said rolling her eyes.

"That's why when I tell her this..." Ej said showing the voice recording, "he'll believe us"

Nini softly gasped and hugged Ej, "you're smart, I didn't even know you had that."

"That's the point." Ej smirked and left her room.


"Oh rickyyyyy." Ej said as he opened Ricky's  hotel room to find him and Gina kissing. "Ew! Leave you rat."

Gina rolled her eyes and left Ricky's hotel room. "Dude, you are playing yourself, you don't like her."

Ricky rolled his eyes and walked up to Ej, "whatever." He paused and looked at Ej's phone. "What do you want?"

"I came here to show you this voice recording on what happened that night of the party."

"I don't want to listen to it."

"Just listen Dude, you are so fucking stubborn." Ej rolled his eyes and pressed the button to start the recording.

Ricky began to listen and as it got closer to the enrding he softly gasped and looked at Ej.
"So...Gina drugged Nini and made her believe Dean was me?"

"Yeah! If you'd just listen to Nini that night and not leave her at the party this whole scandal could've been dodged." Ej said and Ricky scoffed.

"I'm a fucking dumbass." Ricky said and got up from sitting on the bed. "I know what to do, I'll ask nini out and she'll be my-"

"Woah woah, calm down. Maybe forgive her first and get her forgiveness and when we get back to salt lake THEN you can try asking her out. And CUT Gina out of your life." Ej explained to Ricky.

"Yeah." Ricky breathed out, "you're right. Thank dude" he said and hugged Ej.

"Yeah.."Ej said lastly before leaving Ricky's hotel room.


"Yo Gina." Ricky said barging into the girls room. Gina turned around and smiled. She ran into Ricky arm to kiss him but Ricky pushed her away. "We need to talk."

"You drugged Nini, and Made her to believe Dean was me! Then you LIED to me and acted like you didn't know. What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you crazy?" Ricky said straightforward as he shouted in the girls face.

"We are no longer friends anymore Gina, I should've never kissed you in the first place nor should I ever listened to you. You are completely cut off from my life and my friends life." Ricky spat and left the girls room.

Gina gasped and began to sob. She fully regretted everything and she thought they would forget about the party that happens in salt lake. Gina began to pack her bags and buy a flight ticket. An hours later she left LA but didn't go back to salt lake. She went to the school in Atlanta Georgia, that was the school she went to before she moved to salt lake.

"Dude! You got Gina to move all the way back to Georgia." Ej chuckled and Ricky smiled.

"As I should." He said.

"I'm impressed." Nini said as she walked by both boys. Ricky eyes followed nini as she kept walking all the way to her friends.

"You are completely whipped." Ej laughed and Ricky rolled his eyes. "I don't blame you though, if Nini liked me back a year ago I-"
Before Ej should finish his sentence Ricky gave him a glare.

"Dude, it's a joke." Ej said as he started walking away from Ricky. "Not a joke." Whispered and laughed.

𝗜𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗲 | RiniWhere stories live. Discover now