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Hermione Granger did not like to wake up early on the weekends, especially not when her husband was away and her daughter had been up all night crying. That was why she groaned loudly when she heard an owl tapping at her window at 8 in the morning.

Slowly, she threw off the covers and stumbled over to the window, letting the owl swoop in and rest on the desk. She recognized it as Majestia, the large brown owl her husband got for her parents 2 years back.

Rubbing her eyes. She took the letters off her and gave the owl some treats. Once the owl flew off, Hermione closed the window and sat down on the bed to read the letters.

The first letter was in a regular white envelope with the word Hermione written on the front. She opened that one first, knowing it was from her parents. It also explained why the owl had come so early in the morning, as her parents lived in Australia. She opened the letter and started to read it, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

My darling daughter,
     How are you sweetie? How is that husband of yours, and my granddaughter? You know, your dad and I are getting lonely around here. You really need to come visit, or drop of Lyra so you can go relax. That's fine too. Anyways, I suppose that I should get to the point and tell you what this letter is for.
     I am sorry. We tried to postpone this for so long but it seems we have no choice now. The Granger Family Reunion is happening again this summer. I know you didn't go for six years, ever since that Voldmorty came back. I understand that you didn't go during your school time, but it's been 3 years since he was defeated. We have given excuses for you but it seems that you have no choice but to come now. I really am sorry but you are going to have to come. The attached letter is the invitation. I miss you my dear and will see you soon,
     Love, Mom

P.S. - Hermione, this is your dad. I know you don't want to come but you should. Bring your husband. You can have fun shoving it in their faces how much you've changed! I love you! ❤️

Hermione set down the letter after reading it over twice, just to make sure that she hadn't misread it. With a horrible feeling in her stomach. She grabbed the other letter. This one was embossed in a fancy gold envelope with Hermione Granger written on the front. Ripping the letter open, she started to read it.

     The Granger Family Reunion is coming up. You have not come for 6 years. I don't know what you are hiding but your parents finally gave in. You have no excuse, do you understand. The reunion is from July 15-18. Arrive at the Golden Serpent hotel in New York at 12 pm on the 15th. You had better come.
     Hayley Granger

The letter was on a beautiful gold and white paper, but it could've been written on a bit of rubbish for all it mattered. Flopping down on the bed, Hermione groaned and started to think.

From her parents letter, she knew they wanted her to be there, but she also knew that she would be unwanted by most of the members there. For as long as she could remember, she was the odd one out in her family. Before she found out about magic, she thought there was something wrong with her, but later realized that it was the magic in her. From her love of books, to her disinterest in looks and the accidental magic that used to happen around her, it was no surprise that she was an outcast. Add to that the fact that she went to a private school that no one heard about, and you had the perfect person to bully.

The last time she had seen her extended family was the summer before 4th year. Back then, she was a nerdy, strange and apparently ugly looks. She used to have uncontrollably bushy hair and large front teeth, but fighting in a war and growing up had changed her. She now had normal pearly white teeth, an amazing figure (even after pregnancy) and while her hair was still a little bushy, it had tamed into beautiful curls that could be easily tamed with some magic and hair products.

New York, Old Feuds {Dramione family reunion + Percabeth}Where stories live. Discover now