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Ten minutes found all the women back in the hotel's main reception area, dressed and ready to go. Hermione wore a simple blue dress that went to her knees and had a black belt and Annabeth followed
By wearing a green dress that went a bit past her knees and had spaghetti straps.

"Ugh. Percy would be laughing his head off to see me going to the spa." Annabeth muttered. Hermione laughed,

"So would Draco!"

"Draco? How dare you say his name?! He doesn't associate with peasants like you!" Annabeth and Hermione turned to face Cora before looking at each other with raised eyebrows.

"Oh? And how would you know?" Hermione asked her.

"Ugh! Because we used to date Her my own nee!" Cora stated.

"That's right, and they're going to get back together again. I mean, who could resist Cora who had a sexy body, unlike you." Mindy told them, placing her hand on her hip and smiling smugly.

"Sure Cora. He would definitely like someone like you" Annabeth said calmly. Cora's face was hilariously confused - as if she was trying to figure out whether or not Annabeth has insulted her. Just then, Hayley Granger walked up to them with Elena and Helen.

"Alright everyone! Let's get going. We have a half hour to ourselves, then we have booked massages and then we will be going to get our nails done! Come on then!" Together they all followed Hayley and got into the elevator to ride to the 9th floor - the spa floor.

"Whoa....." was the collective response when they reached the spa floor - even Hermione, who had been there when the spa was being made and gave suggestions to her husband.

The women decided that they wanted to go sit in the sauna. Hermione, however, had different plans.


"Oh, no! No way! I am NOT getting into a mud bath Mione!"

"Annabeth please? I promise, it's really good!"

Ten minutes found Annabeth in a swimsuit, sitting across from Hermione in the mud bath.

"See! Isn't this relaxing?" Hermione asked, smiling and settling deeper into the tub. Annabeth, however, groaned audibly and fixed her messy blonde bun.

"Yea, relaxing. If you find mud in place you didn't even know you had relaxing, then sure Mione." Hermione simply laughter at her cousin, reaching out to swat her shoulder,

"Oh hush. And you do know that there was mud in your hands right? Well now it's in your hair." Annabeths eyes widened and she stopped herself an inch away from touching her hair again.

"Oh Gods! Are we almost done?"

"Annabeth! We haven't even been here for 5 minutes!"

"I don't care. If you insist that we stay in here, then I'm going to need a distraction..... I know! What does your husband think about mud baths?" Hermione stated to laugh, remembering the first time she told her husband (then boyfriend) about mud baths.

August 23, 2001

"It was relaxing Draco!" Hermione tried to convince her boyfriend.

"Yea right. I don't want to find mud in any...places later." Draco pulled her into him and she just laughed, giving him a chaste kiss.

"I bet Ginny didn't like that either." He predicted. Earlier that day, the two girls had gone for a spa day, where Hermione introduced her best female friend to the wonder of a mud bath. Or, tried to.

New York, Old Feuds {Dramione family reunion + Percabeth}Where stories live. Discover now