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Thanks to momestoarompe and lllhtkcgtj for voting on the last chapter!

"HERMIONE!?" A shrill voice screeched as everyone in the room winced. The couple broke apart in surprise to see a fuming Cora Granger stomping her away over to them, trying to push past the crowds. On the other side, they saw Harry, Percy, Luke, Annabeth, Ginny, Lyra and Hermione's parents running over. The only question was, who would reach them first?

It turned out that Cora reached them first, probably due to the fact that she had been closer to the embracing couple, and was also creepily watching them, hence seeing their kiss first. As she neared, Draco pulled Hermione closer to him, wrapping his arm around her hip comfortingly.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing!?" She shrieked at Hermione. Before she could open her mouth, she rushed towards Draco. Latching onto his arm, she simpered, "Don't worry baby, I'll save you from the wicked beaver! You don't have to stay with her!" Draco, however, sneered in disgust and threw her hand off him, saying,

"I guess you didn't get the hint last time - but stay the fuck away from me." She stumbled back a bit, tipsy and unstable in her 5 inch heels. However, she still continued,

"But Drakyyyy! You don't need to stay with that buck tooth beaver! You could be with me instead!" As she talked, she walked closer to the two couples and pulled down her already low neckline, exposing most of her cleavage. She smiled discreetly at the paparazzi and before she was about to speak, a young, unfamiliar voice said,

"Whas at on her body?" Turning around, they saw a little boy in the hands of his father, pointing at Cora's cleavage. Next to him was the redhead, his mother - Ginny - Hermione's parents who were holding Lyra, Annabeth, Percy and Luke. The other two children also tried to look as Jean, Percy and Harry quickly covered their eyes.

"Nothing James, my baby." Ginny said as she glared at Cora.

"How. Dare. YOU!" Cora screamed as she lunged forward, only to be caught by Hermione.

"How dare HE? How dare you try to hit my son! Why I ought to-" Ginny seethed and reached for her wand, only to be held back by Harry, who whispered into her ear,

"Ginny...they're muggles let it go." Annabeth looked at them quizzically but let it go.

"Fine." She hissed back and snached James from him, holding onto the little boy as if he was the only thing keeping her from hexing Cora all the way to hell. He probably was.

"That's enough Cora." Hermione spoke up, holding her hand out to silence her outraged cousin, "If you don't need anything from us, I suggest that you leave." She then around and looked at her husband with a smile. Cora, however, still wouldn't back down. She screamed, drawing the attention of everyone there,

"Yes, I need something from you beaver! How dare you steal MY Draco you little slut! Wait no, sluts at least look hot, you just look like a fucking bucktoothed bushy-haired little know-it-all bitch! I'm here for Draco! He's mine! All mine!" And with that, she lunged forward in an attempt to kiss Draco as everyone erupted into conversation, the younger kids crying. However, Draco easily sidestepped her and she fell face first on the floor.

"Wh-what!?" She said, as everyone started to laugh at her. Hermione sighed and reached out her hand,

"C'mon Cora. Get up." Hesitantly, she took Hermione's hand and pulled herself to her feet. "You need to leave." She told her. However, Cora noticed Draco hovering protectively behind Hermione and all her anger came back. In one swift motion, she lunged forward and slapped Hermione.

New York, Old Feuds {Dramione family reunion + Percabeth}Where stories live. Discover now