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The rest of the week passed by rapidly for Hermione, between working as head of the MLE, spending time with her husband and the girls, and playing with her daughter, Hermione didn't even realize it was Friday. She was all packed (after an argument with Draco and Pansy over clothes in which she gave in and let them fill her bag) and ready to leave, but was still uneasy. She had decided to just floo there as she didn't want to fly on a plane.

"Draco...I don't think I can do this..." Hermione whispered, cradling a sleeping Lyra. Draco, who has just flooed all of Hermione's bags through, walked over to his wife and gave her a kiss, whispering,

"Hermione...it's going to be alright. You fought in a war for Merlin's sake! You are strong and beautiful. You can and you will take them on. I believe in you. But I need to leave now. I love you Mia." Draco's voice was loving and reassuring. Hermione nodded her head and told him,

"Yes you're right. If I can help take down Voldemort, I can surely face my mean cousins! I love you Draco." Smiling proudly at his confident voice, he kissed both his girls and apostates away to France. After a moment, Hermione grabbed some floo power and flooed into the Main Suite of the Golden Serpent hotel. Setting her daughter down to sleep in her room, Hermione went to the full sized kitchen and took in the suite. It had marble floors that were carpet in the bedrooms, 3 rooms (one of which was a study), 2 bathrooms, a living area, balconies in the master bedroom and living room, and a full sized kitchen for Hermione to cook in. All of the rooms were beautiful and fancy, yet still comfortable and homey. She thought that her husband had done a great job with the Hotel. After a minute, Hermione decided to get some work done, as she had arrived at 10 and still had two hours.

One hour after working, Lyra woke up so Hermione cleaned her diaper and decided to go on a drive. Taking her daughter, she entered the Muggle part of the hotel and went to the private garage, where her husband said he had a car for her. Getting to the garage with her teething daughter, she smiled when she saw the car her husband had picked.

"The Rolls-Royce Cullinan." She smiles at the dark maroon SUV. While her favorite car was their Bugatti La Voiture Noir (she has really tried to stop Draco from buying fancy cars but the boys were obsessed....), this car was the best, especially since she had her daughter with her. Strapping Lyra into the back and making sure she had her teething ring, Hermione grabbed they keys and started the car, leaving the garage and driving around, stopping at a small cafe to get some food and coffee before she had to face her family.

Chapter three! Can you believe I wrote 3 chapters in a day? I guess creativity was just flowing from me! The next chapter will be from Cora's view as she is the main antagonist.

Thanks so much to @lorena123m for the vote on the last chapter!

Like always, I hope you enjoyed, comment on anything, like and share. See you on _______!
~ Rani 👑 ♥️

New York, Old Feuds {Dramione family reunion + Percabeth}Where stories live. Discover now