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Thanks to pogsis1 for voting on an earlier chapter

On Sunday morning, Hermione Granger woke up not to the sound of Lyra crying, but to the soft, even breathing on the back of her neck and the pale arm wrapped around her waist. Breaking into a grin, she turned around to face her sleeping husband and ran her hand over his face.

"Hmmm....Mia...." he muttered slowly cracking open his eyes and giving his smiling wife a sleepy grin.

"Hey you." Hermione whispered, "When did you get here?"

Giving another huge yawn, he pulled Hermione closer to him and muttered, "Late...last night."

"Why didn't you wake me up?" She asked, looking up at his handsome face.

"You looked so peaceful." He told her and she smiled at him.

After a moment of silence, Draco suggested, "Why don't we order breakfast?" Hermione smiled in agreement and as they waited for breakfast, they spent some time just snuggling - Draco, Hermione and Lyra.


When they finally left their room, it was only because Hermione had to go on a pre-scheduled walk with her family.

"Why won't you come with me?!" Hermione complained for the 100th time that morning.

Draco simply chucked and set Lyra on the ground to play with her toys. Wrapping his arms around his wife, he told her, "I have work Mia." She rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag. After kissing her daughter, she said to him,

"I know you're up to something, Draco. I WILL figure it out. I've got to leave now. I love you darling." The couple shared a sweet kiss and Hermione left their room, heading down to the reception area, where the rest of her family were waiting for her.

"Finally!" Caroline complained when she saw Hermione. She didn't even want to go on the walk but was being forced to by her parents. She was, in fact, quite jealous of the amazing figure Hermione had in her high-waisted tights, tank top and Aces. As Hermione passed by them, Cora leaned in and whispered,

"Too embarrassed to show your face?" The three girls laughed but Hermione chose to simply glare and walk over to where her parents, Percy, Annabeth and their son were standing.

"Where's Lyra?" Annabeth questioned as Hermione hugged her mum.

"She's with Dr- my husband. She's with her dad." Hermione responded, almost slipping up. A quick glance behind showed that she was, indeed, correct and that Cora, Caroline, and Mindy were eavesdropping.

"You know, there are some people that are so sad that they lie about having love." Cora said loudly and Mindy and her sister hummed in agreement.

"Just ignore them." Came a male voice from behind Hermione and she turned around to smile at Percy.

"Don't worry," she told him, "I am."

"Alright everyone!" called out their grandmother, Vivian Granger, "I'm not getting any younger standing here! Let's go." And she turned around and started to walk towards the doors. After taking a step, she added in, "We do, after all have a busy day of shopping ahead of us!" The rest of the family then started to follow her. It was only when they were almost to the door that Hermione realized what her grandmother had said. Excusing herself from her parents, she shuffled over to Percy and Annabeth and whispered,

New York, Old Feuds {Dramione family reunion + Percabeth}Where stories live. Discover now