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Yay! This story has 2 likes. Although I'm pretty sure one of them is my friend.... Still. Yay! People have read this.

Cora Granger sat at the kitchen table doing her nails when her twin sister, Caroline walked into their shared apartment in London sat on the bar stool next to her.

"Hey sis." Cora said, watching her twin adjust her short skirt and sit down.

"Hey Cora. Mom said the Granger Family Reunion is coming up."

"Really?" Cora turned to her sister, putting the hot pink nail polish to the side, "Oh my gosh! That means we get to see Mindy and Mark again!"

"Yea, that, but you will NEVER guess who Mum invited!"

"Who?" Cora asked, pursing her plump lips.

"The beaver!" Caroline gushed.

"WHAT?! No way mum invited that piece of trash! Hermione bucktooth Granger. I'll bet that she's a boring, prudish librarian with no friends or family." Caroline hummed in agreement.

"God, it's gonna be so fun to see her again Cor! I mean, she's probably super ugly, not at all like us!" Caroline and Cora smiled. They were both models who lived and worked in London. Unlike Hermione, they had blonde hair that they had inherited from their mother, Hayley Granger. They spent lots of time everyday straightening their blonde hair, putting blue contacts to cover their brown eyes and caking their faces in makeup. They were very proud of themselves and their successful career.

For a little while longer, they continued to talk about their cousin and mar fun of her before moving onto the next topic of interest - Draco Malfoy, the owner of the Golden Serpent and the hottest and most desire able bachelor alive.

"I seriously cannot believe mum booked the Golden Serpent! We are totally going to hook Draco when he sees us!" Cora told her sister.

"Mmmmm... yes. He is so deliciously sexy! And so are we. I guess we'll have to just let him pick who's hotter huh sis?" Caroline asked her sister, smirking slightly.

They then continued to plan for the trip, making sure they had their most sexy clothes with them, just in case they got a chance to seduce Draco Malfoy, or his parter, Blaise Zabini who was equally was hot. Little did they know that they were in for the shock of their lives.....

New York, Old Feuds {Dramione family reunion + Percabeth}Where stories live. Discover now