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I've decided to change the update schedule to every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Cora watched the beautiful scenery in front of her. They had just flown to New York and now her family (her mom, dad, and sister) were in the car. She was looking at the most beautiful sight as they drove to the hotel - her own reflection! Because what could be more beautiful than her? Since they had come from such a long flight, the twins were making sure they looked absolutely gorgeous - after all, she wanted to impress Draco Malfoy!

After about a half an hour of driving, they finally arrived at the Golden Serpent. The building was huge and regal looking. Cora could see many pools, a huge field, gardens, and a dense forest. She was excited to stay at one of the most expensive hotels in the country! Once they parked their car, Caroline and Cora were about to head inside when their mother, Hayley Granger said,

"Girls we have to wait for the rest of the family!"

"Yes girls, listen to your mother," their dad, Rodger Granger said when they tried to ignore her. Groaning, they sat down next to their mother on the bench outside.

"But mum! It's so hot out! Our makeup's going to be ruined!" Caroline whined. With a sigh their mum told them,

"Alright, alright, it IS important to look our very best. Let's just stay out for ten more minutes and if they aren't here yet, we shall go and check in. Alright?" Both the girls nodded, still miffed over having to stay outside and pulled out their phones. Not five minutes later, a grey minivan pulled into the parking lot and out stepped their Uncle Robert and Aunt Elena with their daughters, Mindy and Maddison.

"Mindy!!!!" The twins squealed running to hug her.

"Cora! Caroline!" She exclaimed. Once they had finished hugging, Cora looked at her smooth brown hair and told her,

"Girl your hair looks amazing! No wonder you're a hairdresser! I totally need you to do my hair!" After that comment, Mindy smiled and flipped her hair over her shoulder with a smirk while Caroline gushed over it.

"Hey guys." Maddison said, walking around them. She had brown hair and eyes too but wasn't styled to perfection.

"Hello." The three girls said. They didn't hate her, but they didn't particularly like her. She then walked past them and sat down on a bench, pulling out her phone, while Cora, Caroline and Mindy continued to gossip.


While their daughters chatted, the adults were also having a conversation.

"Little brother!" Boomed Rodger Granger, pulling his brother Robert into a manly hug. The women also exchanged a hug.

"Where is Mark?" Asked Hayley Granger. Robert's wife, Elena responded,

"Mark is coming with his wife Seline, as you know they live in New York. " As the two women started talking about the fancy hotel, an Audi pulled up and a few minutes later, Mark and his wife, Seline arrived.

"Hello mum." Mark said, walking towards Elena.

"Oh my son!" She exclaimed pulling him into a hug.


When Mark and Seline arrived, Cora gestured for her cousin-in-law to come over. Having not attended their wedding, she observed the girl. She had long black hair and average brown eyes. She was not as hot as her, but she looked pretty decent too.

New York, Old Feuds {Dramione family reunion + Percabeth}Where stories live. Discover now