~Chapter Four~

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I hurried down the street, taking puffs of my cigarette. I walked over to the beat-up seats and sat down. I leaned my head back, concentrating on blowing smoke rings out of my mouth. I hate Dallas so fucking much. I want to punch him right in his smug face; I don't know why he bothers to ask me if I'm ok. He just disposes of every girl he meets like a used up napkin. The only relationship he kept was with Sylvia, even though they were always two-timing each other. God, why can't I get my mind off Dallas god damn Winston? He's a thorn in my side, he's reckless and doesn't listen to anyone, speak of the devil, here he comes now. He walks around like he owns the place. He's such a jerk.

"Y/N, what was that about?!" He asks. 

"Does it have to be about something?!" I can feel the rage building up again. I stood up.

"Well, I mean it doesn't but what's going on with you? It's not me who wants to know, since apparently, I hate you so much! It's your brothers!" 

"Get them to ask me then, I still don't have a clue! All I know is that I don't like you!" I can still feel a knot in my stomach, I told the truth but I feel the same. 

"Doll, calm down. I never said I liked you either, but the way you stormed off like that. None of us knew what happened!" He replied defensively. Ok maybe I was being a brat, but I hate this guy. He walked towards me.

"I stormed off like that because I'm angry. I can't think straight and it's all your fault!" I yelled, tears sliding down my face. "I don't like how I feel when I'm with you, you make me feel angry and all my aggression I have piles up!" He chuckled, lighting a cigarette. "Before you get all smart with me, I'm not in love with you, your a rude, cocky ass!" I told him.

He put out his cigarette, walked closer and put his hand on my shoulder. "It's going to be okay." He pulled me into a hug. The knot in my stomach seemed to tighten, whats going on with me? He let go, "come on let's get you home." He turned around. "Dally?" I said, he turned around and before he could say anything, I smashed my lips against his, they were soft. He put his hand on my waist, I moved my hands up to his hair. He held my face in his hands. He pulled away. 

"Are you ok?" He asks. I didn't reply, instead, I put my lips up against his. I didn't know what was going on but it was relieving my stress. I put my hands in his soft hair. He wrapped his arm around my waist, deepening the kiss. I gently bit his lip, we walked over to the couch and sat down not breaking apart. He kissed my neck, his breath warm. I took in a deep breath and pulled his face back to mine, his warm breath leaving my neck. He took off his leather jacket to reveal a plain white t-shirt. He went back to kissing my neck, as all my stress melted away. 

"Hey, Dally, stop. I can't, I just can't," I stood up, and pulled out a cigarette. He got up. "Come on doll, let's get you home." We walked in silence all the way home, I jogged up the steps and opened the door. Everyone looked up from what they were doing, before anyone could ask anything, I said; "I'll tell you tomorrow," I went to my room, changed into a pair of pyjamas and curled up into bed. I couldn't help but think about the kiss. It was passionate and gentle at the same time. Or maybe it was Him I couldn't stop thinking about. The last thing on my mind before I fell asleep was, do I dig Dallas Winston?

"I Don't Like You"  ~ A Dallas x Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now