~Chapter Fourteen~

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I open the door and walked in. I saw the clock it read; 11:58 pm. At least I'm not late.

"Hi, guys!" I say cheerily. Two-bit and Steve were drinking, as per usual, Pony was reading and talking to Johnny, and Darry was reading the newspaper.

"What's up? What have you been up to?" Soda asks.

"I was at Buck's for a bit," I say nonchalantly.

"With Dally?!" Darry pipes up.

"No, I met this greaser, he was real nice," I explain, so far the plan is working.

"Who might this be?" Steve asks.

"I'm not sure, we were both kinda drunk," I said.

"What did you do with this anonymous greaser? Would those marks on your neck be a part of it?" Darry questions.

"I mean yeah, we didn't go further than kissing though," I lied, I felt bad lying to Darry but, I had to.

"I don't like the idea of you dating," Darry said sternly.

"C'mon Darry, Y/n's not a little kid anymore, as much as we like to think of her as one," Soda stuck up for me, I wanted to tell him, I could trust him. Maybe I'll tell him later.

Darry just sighed, "I guess your right, but still be careful, you're still my kid sister," he looked me right in the eyes and pointed his finger at me.

I chuckled, then sat down on the couch next to Pony.

"Whatcha reading?" I ask.

"Gone with the wind," He replies, he doesn't seem in the mood for a conversation right now. I head outside and I light up a cancer stick, the cool night air nipping at my nose. I still have Dally's shirt on. I put out my cigarette and head back into my room to change. I put on a plain white T-shirt that looks similar, I put Dally's shirt under my bed. I walked back into the living room.

I sat out there talking for an hour with the gang, Soda said he was going to bed, I gave him a few minutes.

"I'm going to go to bed, night guys," I reply "sleepily". The gang all says 'Night' and I head to my room.

Soda's laying in bed, I grab some PJ's and put them on in the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror, give myself a small pep talk, I then walked back into Soda and I's room.

"Hey, Soda, can I talk to you?" He nods, sits up and leaves room for me to sit.

"What's troubling you?" He asks me. I take a deep breath

"You know when I said that Dally and I talked and we agreed that it was a spur of the moment thing?" I say faster than I would've liked.


"Well, we didn't just talk we, uh, kissed, again."

"Listen, it's not me that has a problem with you and Dally, it's Darry. He's just trying to protect you,"

"I know, but sometimes I just think Darry is a little too strict,"

"You know he's protective over you cause your his only sister and Ponyboy cause, well he's the youngest,"

"Thanks, for not freaking out on me for kissing Dal,"

"No problem,"

"Well night Soda"

"Night Y/N,"

I walk over to my bed and crawl into the covers, recalling what happened between Dally and me.

I slowly drifted off to sleep..

"I Don't Like You"  ~ A Dallas x Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now