~Chapter Five~

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I woke up and sleepily opened my eyes. My head throbbed, and I instantly remembered the night before. The bar, the crying and the kissing. God, I feel like such an idiot. Why would I kiss the one person I hate most?! One part of me wants to forget about it completely, and the other part of me wants more. I know it's wrong. I look over at the clock; it reads 10:30. Shit, I was going to be late for my shift at the DX. I got up and quickly stumbled to the bathroom to grab an Advil. I ran a hairbrush through my hair and quickly brushed my teeth. I went into my room, put on my DX shirt and walked out to the living room to see a shirtless Dally on the couch. I quickly walked past, trying not to wake him. He stirred on the couch. I grabbed my DX hat from the kitchen table and left. I closed the door behind me, not bothering to lock it. We have nothing for anyone to steal so we figure we might as well just not lock it.

I ran down the street, footsteps trailing behind me. The socs wouldn't be out this early, I didn't have time, my shift was at 11. Someone came up beside me. It was Dallas, shit. 

"Hey doll, you wanna talk about last night?" He said, keeping up with my face.

"Not really, not now anyway. I'm going to be late for work." I snap back. 

He stops me and leans in, kissing me. I break apart.

"Dallas can't you take a hint? I-don't-like-you!" I turn away from him and continue walking, getting angry. I turn back, he's walking away. I don't have time for him now, the DX is only a block away. 

I make it to the DX and open the door forcefully. I see Soda standing at the counter, talking to a couple of broads. 

"Hey Soda, I'm so sorry," I walk behind the counter and give him a hug. 

"Soda, you didn't mention you had a girlfriend." says one of the broads, clearly annoyed.

"She's uh-" I cut him off. "He's my brother. I'm going to go and help Steve work on the cars," I reply flatly. He nods at me and goes back to talking. I walk into the garage, to see Steve's legs poking out from under a red t-bird. 

"Hey Stevey, need any help?" I ask, purposefully trying to annoying him. 

"What's up Y/N? Back your usual irritating self I see," He said, his voice muffled.

"I was gonna ask, what happened last night? Is something going on between you and Dally?" Soda said, standing in the doorway.

"It was nothing, we just had a small disagreement about how Darry only cares for you and I stormed off."

"Woah, hold on there, Darry cares for you and Pony as much as he cares for me. Then what happened at the house, when you came back?" He said half comforting me half questioning me.

"He wanted to talk about the fight and I didn't I got angry and left to go to the lot," I replied putting on my best poker face.

"What exactly happened at the lot?" Soda questions.

"We talked over the disagreement and maybe we kissed," I mumbled over the last part.

"I didn't catch that last part, care to speak up?" Steve asked.

"Maybe we kissed," I replied, looking down at the ground.

"I Don't Like You"  ~ A Dallas x Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now