~Chapter Eight~

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We walk into the living room, everyone looks up from where they are. 

"Y/n, your awake!" Ponyboy says. Everyone comes up to hug me, except Dally. I'm okay with it. We don't want to show signs of liking each other in front of the gang. Everyone goes to sit back down, while I go to the kitchen to get my favourite food, chocolate cake. I cut an enormous piece and put it on a plate, and go to the living room with my plate and a fork in hand. 

"How long was I out for?" I asked between mouthfuls of cake.

"About 9 hours, but you needed the sleep so don't even protest," Darry scolded. 

I sigh and finish my cake, then get up and put my plate in the sink. I go to my room, throw on my usual t-shirt and jeans, go to the bathroom to get cleaned up. I take a glance in the mirror, Damn, Dally was right, I look tuff. I wipe a little access blood off my face and clean the cuts with peroxide. I brush my hair and my teeth and put on some mascara. I walk back into the living room. 

"Hey Y/N, Johnny, Dally and I are gonna go to the dingo, wanna come with?" Pony asks me. 

"She should really stay home," Darry protests.

"I'll be fine," I say. "I'll be right there I have to grab my jacket," Pony nodded and he walked outside with Johnny and Dally. I grabbed my jacket from my room and sprayed some perfume on me.

I walked out and said bye to the rest of the gang. As I closed the front door behind me, I saw Dally was smoking a cancer stick. I ran up behind him and snatched it, putting it in my mouth and inhaling.

"What gives Doll?" He said smirking at me. I shrug and hand his cigarette back to him. We reach the Dingo, Dally never liked doing things the legal way, we walked around to the side of the dingo and crawled through a hole in the bottom of the fence. I asked Dally to help me up, I needed a little extra help getting up because my ribs ached. We sat down at the seats since we obviously didn't have a vehicle.  

"Hey, doll wanna go get some popcorn and soda?" Dal asked. "Sure," We walked in silence but Dally started to walk behind the concession stand. I followed along, he stopped walking when we got behind the stand. 

"Hey, Dal what are we-" He cut me off by kissing me, I kissed back. "Dal we should probably get back with the snacks we promised before, Johnny and Pony get to realizing what we getting up to," I say. "Can we go to Buck's after the movie and get a drink?" I ask he nods and we go get the popcorn and soda. We pay and get back to the seats. "What took you so damn long?" Johnny asks. "The line up was long," I quickly reply. 

After we finished watching whatever beach movie was playing, Dally got up and I said, "Hey guys, we'll walk you home," Pony and Johnny nodded. Dal and I didn't want them to get jumped.  We all got up and walked to my house to drop Pony and Johnny off, once we saw that they made it inside safely, we continued to Bucks. 

We got there and went inside, the red lights were glowing as per usual. Dally offered to buy me a beer and I accepted. We sat at the counter and talked for a bit while finishing up our beers. 

"Hey Dally, can we go upstairs?" 

"Sure doll,"

We left our empty beer bottles on the counter and rushed upstairs...

"I Don't Like You"  ~ A Dallas x Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now