Chapter 8: Last Time.

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I ran to get her and reached her in the parking lot.
"NO! NO! LET GO OF ME! LET GO OF ME! Please!.." She cried debating for me to let go of her arm. "Let me go!..."
"Eleanor you're gonna calm down and let me talk to you."
"Eleanor! You are gonna go to the hospital, I'll be with you each step of the way. You're gonna go through anything that will happen and I'll be there. So now I know you're scared, but you get in the car."
"Don't let them take me..."
"Let's go El."
"I'm sorry..."
"It's okay, I'm not mad."
We got to the hospital and she got take care of really fast.
"Nicholas Torres?" Someone called.
"Come with me please."
We walked in front of a room were El was with oxygen.
"What- what is it?" I asked.
"We did several tests and she has an interior bleeding in her lung. We're bringing her into surgery almost immediately but it's an easy surgery. She should be up in no time."
"Can I see her?"
"Unfortunately no, she's gonna go now and we can't risk more bacteries to go in her system."
"Okay, thank you."
They took her into surgery and I waited, and waited.
"Nicholas? She's back in her room."
"Is- is she okay?"
"Yes, everything went well."
"Thank you."
I sat next to her waiting for her to wake up.
*cough cough*
"Hi babe, how do you feel."
"Water." she managed to say.
"Yeah let me- let me call a nurse."
A nurse came with water.
"You love me?"
"Yeah, of course I do! Why do you ask that?" I said caressing her arm.
"'Cause I was being a brat to you..."
"It's okay, I' m not gonna lie I just wanted to carry you in here 'cause I cannot live without you but I' m just glad you're okay now."
"Sorry. I love you."
"I love you too."
She got out and that was the last time she went into a hospital for health issues.

The end.

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