Chapter One: Welcome to the Island (Kyle)

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It was a normal day for me. I was in the 6th grade and it was the last day of school. School had always been pretty uneventful. There was this one girl who I had a crush on. Little did I know that I would never see her again. Anyway, it was a half-day, like every last day of school, and I was playing games on my computer. I was playing my favorite game when my best friend, James, asked me if I wanted to learn another game. He has been my friend since the second grade.
"Hey. Do you want to play this game with me?" James asked me.
"Sure! What is it?" I responded.
"It's called Raft Wars. It's one of my favorite games."
"Cool. So, how do you play it?" I asked.
"You just try to hit the opponent's raft to knock everyone off," he said.
He clicked the mouse pad and a grape or something purple was fired out of a cannon.
"Bullseye!" He yelled. I tried and I failed terribly. It was 11 o'clock by then, and school was about to be over.
"We leave in about 25 minutes," Mrs. Anderson said. We all said goodbye to each other. We didn't know if we would see each other in school next year or not. At 11:23, we went into the hall and everyone said their farewells, from goodbye to peace. I said bye to James and the bell rang. At my school, middle school starts in 7th grade. So that would be one of the last times I would ever see Maple Grove Elementary School. It was sad, but my sorrow soon passed because it was summer! When I got home, it was 12:25 (My bus takes a good hour to get to my house) and my foster parents surprised me with something I would never forget. Yeah, foster parents. My real parents had died in a plane accident two years ago.
"Surprise! We're going to Jurassic Kingdom!" My foster parents were smiling wider than I'd ever seen them smile. I was so excited that I packed my suitcase immediately. We lived in Minnesota at the time, so it was a good thirty-hour drive. We packed up enough food for the whole drive and things to keep us entertained.
We left the house at about four in the morning. Off to Jurassic Kingdom! I thought. Little did I know that I would be staying for a lot longer than I was supposed to.
My foster dad drove non-stop for 30 hours straight. He had driven in the war way longer. You see, my dad was a war veteran and had once driven for a weekend nonstop. No sleep, barely any food, barely any water, and most of all, no fuel. He had made it with barely a mile's worth left of fuel. This was nothing.
We found our boat and got on it. I saw what seemed to be a kid a little younger than me. Maybe eleven or twelve. He sat on the opposite side of us on another boat. It was bigger than a normal fishing boat. Probably about five times bigger. Then the captain said something, well, it was the same thing Jack heard. I will keep out that part because it still freaks me out today.
We were setting sail! To an island where nothing could possibly go wrong!
Right? Nope.
Our boat landed on the south-east side of the island. My foster parents and I walked to our hotel. It wasn't far from where we were at. A couple of hundred yards. We made it to our hotel and got a key. When we got settled in, I slept on my bed for a while. We were all tired and called it a nap, even though we were asleep for a good 4 hours. When we woke up, we got dinner and went back to sleep.
The Next Day.
The next day was perfect. At first. We walked around for a while. I counted 35 hybrids, but Jack keeps telling me that there were 42. Anyway, we kept walking around and found "Dike's Dino Pizza" or whatever it was.
After a while, we went back to the hotel and we stayed for a while until something happened. We were sitting on our beds when all of a sudden, CRASH! An Alanqa crashed into our huge window. My foster mom was pulled out of the window in the Alanqa's beak. My foster dad and I could do nothing but watch as she was thrown around like a rag doll before falling and not getting up.
"RUN!" My foster dad yelled as another giant bird snatched him out of the window. I didn't watch. I ran. I ran faster than I had ever before. Then a dinosaur - I think it was a hybrid - walked into the hallway. It pounced.
"Get off me!" I tried to yell, but the words would not come out.
"Looks like you got tangled up in a mess. Well, I hope you like the smell of blood," the creature said.
"What are you?" I asked.
"Glad you asked. the Indosougatus. A creature from everyone's nightmares," it replied. Its tail is what scared me the most. It was like a scorpion, but it had spikes. Big ones. The creature swung its tail at me and missed my face by millimeters. I was just able to kick it off me. I ran faster. I could hear its feet hitting the wood. I opened the elevator door.
"Come here you little-" It was cut off when the doors closed.
"Oh god. I'm never going to an island like this again," I said to myself. I heard its voice through the air vents.
"Welcome to Jurassic Kingdom, Kyle. The one place all your dreams can come true. But soon, so will your nightmares."
I walked out of the elevator into the lobby. I ran out and into some girl, and she pulled me into a toy shop.
"What are you doing?!" She yelled.
"I'm running!" I replied.
"Duck!" She shouted. An Alanqa the size of a small car tried to push its way into the glass window of the toy shop.
"It's going to break the glass!" She yelled. She was right. The giant Alanqa broke through the glass and glass went everywhere. A piece of glass stabbed my cheek, and I started bleeding.
"The roof!" I yelled. I realized that it wasn't a great idea because Alanqas can... fly. We made it up to the roof, but two more Alanqas were there.
"Bad idea," I said.
"You think!?" The girl said, annoyed.
"Before we die, what's your name?" I asked her.
"Lindsay. You?" Lindsay replied.
"Jump off the building. Now!"
"Just do it!"
I jumped and I could see Lindsay being picked up by an Alanqa.
"Lindsay!" I yelled.
"Run!!" She yelled back. I ran into the woods, not looking back.
I ran until I couldn't breathe. I was deep in the woods on the island known as Isla Peligro. I sat down on a broken tree limb. I looked out into the woods, but then, I saw a light. Sunlight. I walked towards it. It led me into a grassy plain, perfect for building a house of some sort. A bunker. I thought to myself. I found an old ax in good condition and started digging out a perimeter.
It took a day or two to finish chopping up enough wood for the 7ft by 10ft structure. I went back into the park to find some glass that hadn't been broken yet. I found a piece in the visitor center that was just the right size for a window. I put it onto the back of a Jurassic Kingdom golf cart and rushed back over to the hole. I also grabbed some living materials, like a table, chair, carpet, and a few other things.
I headed back to where I was building the bunker. It was weird not seeing any dinos. I was expecting to be attacked at least once while I was out there. Nothing. It had gotten dark and that is when all of the nocturnal dinos came out. I dropped into the little structure and grabbed the carpet and laid on the hard ground.
The next morning, I woke up with my neck hurting. I sat up and heard something rustling in the bushes.
"Hello?" I said softly. It started moving around some more, then it stopped. A little hybrid of some sort jumped on me and started biting my face. I shoved it off.
"Where did you come from?" I asked it. Looking back, I don't know what I expected. Did I think it would speak to me? It didn't. It growled at me and ran back off into the woods.
I continued building the bunker, then, I heard something rustling in the bushes.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" I yelled out to the bushes.
"Hey! It's me, Lindsay! Remember?" She called out to me. She came out of the woods and grabbed a piece of wood.
"What are you doing?" I asked her.
"Helping you build this bunker of yours. C'mon. Help me," Lindsay replied.
We built for a while and finished it the next day. We walked inside and fortunately nothing bad had happened to us right then. All of a sudden, a knock on the door. We both went to the door and opened it to find a younger kid covered in dirt. You can probably guess, that was Jack.
"Come inside. It's not safe to be out here right now," Lindsay said. He came inside. Lindsay's story of how she got on the island is a bit different from Jack's story or mine. Here it is:

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