Dec. 15th: The photographer

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Working as a photographer is interesting. Bringing a short moment into eternity is interesting. And it sure is fascinating to know that those short moments will live way longer than you, just because you decided to aim your camera there and push the button. Then there's the fact that you have an almost limitless amount of angles to present that certain object, and each will tell a different story than the other depending on which one you want to tell. Sometimes it's aggravating or sad. Other times it's beautiful and sweet. Or funny. It can be kids just as much as old people. Small cottages or giant castles. Animals or landscapes.

Or people having sex...

Yep, that's right. I was the one who took pictures of naked people doing the dirty deed. Except in my eyes it wasn't that. At least not if they listened to me when I told them to pose in certain ways, because there's a huge difference between vulgarity and sensuality. My job was to capture them both and everything in between, and present it as delicately as possible on demand from the readers of a quite infamous men's magazine.

I rarely spoke about my job to anyone. I enjoyed my solitude as a photographer, and was satisfied with not having to explain myself to colleagues, who were specialized in more acknowledged and respected fields, such as weddings or family photos. Every time people asked about what I did for a living, I simply answered as vaguely as possible, and nodded to all the suggestions they had about things normal photographers take pictures of. I did a lot of those anyway. I didn't lie.

I guess it was the stigma that made me feel like I had to defend myself and my choice to be an adult performance photographer. It seemed like people automatically assumed that I participated in it. You know, a photo shoot while having a very suggestive conversation, and flirting that eventually leads up to having a not so professional interaction with a client. But they seem to have forgotten what that people were already having sex. I was just doomed to watch. Not that I'd been brave enough to compete with bizarre sized dicks like that anyway, so I was completely fine with it. And the women were probably so numb downstairs that they forgot what an orgasm was like, a long time ago.

"Chin up!" I ordered the young girl, with a way too small Santa costume in red latex and white fake fur. I tried to make her look visually interesting as an object, with more to offer than just a place to unload, but she had coordination as a robot and enthusiasm as a rock.

"And open your eyes slowly while you look directly into the camera. And drop the excessive lip licking part this time. Make it a classical, subtle pout."

She rolled her eyes and behaved like a bratty teen, instead of the twenty five year old adult she was. Why she ended up in the porn industry in the first place, was a question I didn't want to know the answer to.

"That's good. Now lean on your elbows and push your breasts together."

I took another picture and changed my mind. She was too exposed as it was.

"Move your left arm..."

"Can you make up your mind?" she groaned, and sat up instead. Then she started waving her hand, trying to get her boss' attention.

"Hey, Edgar? Aren't we done now?" she whined with an animated voice, and this time it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Right... Go ahead. Complain to your sugar daddy about how hard it is to endure fifteen minutes of honest work," I grumbled to myself. Then I ran another completely unnecessary test of lights and angles while I tried not to get angry. At least I got paid by the hour. It wasn't my fault they didn't get the work done. I was just happy I didn't have to watch what she did to him backstage.

"Can I get you anything?"

A thin voice made me push away the dark cloud above my head just enough to see Edgar's secretary standing behind me. Her name was Lima, and compared to the other women in the room she was the perfect example of a grey mouse, although that was actually more of a compliment to her than the others. Personally I liked them more natural. Less makeup. Less botox. Less fake boobs. And that goddamn fake moaning! Why didn't they understand that sounds won't be included in a still photo?

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