Chapter Two - We're Off To The Christmas Market

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Days until Christmas Day: 23


Gladion's Flat

Gladion is lying on his bed, relaxing a little before he goes to meet Hau. Why in all the Wingulls in the world did he agree to go to the Christmas Market. He doesn't do Christmas, he doesn't want to do this, but that Hau, overexcitable and doesn't take "No" for an answer.

He knew this was going to be a long evening. Part of him wasn't sure if he could take all the atmosphere and excitement. He wanted to make up an excuse and cancel. Although, he knows that Hau would not accept any excuse and would drag him.

Last night at the malasada café, they agreed to meet outside of the same café at 17:00. Knowing Hau, he probably wants to start with malasadas (typical), and then head for the market.

"Awk! I don't wanna do this!" he shouted towards the ceiling.

He smacked his hands against his face. He was dreading this.

Well... Dreading the Christmas Market, not meeting Hau. Although, while we're on that subject, last night, with Hau. What was all that? The heart thumping, the blushing, the.... Indirect kiss.
"That was weird. What was all that? What does this mean?" Gladion asked himself.

Silvally started to nudge him making him look at the clock. "Oh crap! I need to go!" Gladion exclaimed.

He quickly out Silvally into his Pokéball, put on his jacket and headed out.

He briskly walked, arriving at the malasada café with minutes to spare.

"Gladion! You're here!" Hau exclaimed in excitement. A big smile on his face.

"Well... We made a plan so, I'm here" Gladion responded.

"Yes! Exactly" Hau giggled. "Let's go! No time to waste! I'm so excited!"


"Because the Christmas Market is awesome. It's beautiful, the stalls, the food, the rides, the atmosphere, it's so much fun!"

"Ugh... Fine" Gladion said rolling his eyes. He couldn't wait for this to be over.

After a few minutes of walking, they eventually reach the Christmas Market.
"Wow! This is amazing!" Hau shouted. Wooden stalls lined the street, the Christmas decorations everywhere, a big Christmas tree in the middle, the smell of the food. The talking and laughter of families, friends and couples. This was heaven.

Gladion wasn't that impressed. Sure, the smell of all the food wasn't that unpleasant, and yeah, the Christmas decorations were beautiful but... "Meh".

"Meh!? Seriously!? How can you just say that!? Come on! This is great! We are going to have fun and you will enjoy yourself, I promise" Hau declared, grabbing Gladion's arm and lightly pulling him through the crowds.

Gladion stared intently at Hau's warm hand on his arm. His heart started to thump again, it made him blush. He didn't know why, but... He liked it. Hau was completely unaware, he was just happily dragging Gladion through the crowds.
They got to the Christmas tree and Hau pointed to it. "Look! Isn't it beautiful? All those decorations, all that tinsel" he said, completely mesmorised. Hau took his phone out of his pocket and pulled Gladion to his side and placed his left arm round his waist. Gladion's heart beat kept getting faster, he was starting at Hau's hand round his waist. He felt tingly. Hau brought his head closer to Gladion's.
"W-What are you doing!?"

"Taking a selfie with you in front of the tree, silly" Hau giggled.

"I-I..." Gladion tried to respond but they were already cheek-to-cheek. Hau brought his phone in front of them, preparing to take the picture, a big smile on his face. Gladion managed to force a slight smile but all he was thinking was how close Hau was. He could feel the heat from Hau's cheek, and is arm round his waist. Gladion could feel his heartbeat thump and his breathing started to get heavier. He just hoped that Hau doesn't notice.

"There! I like that picture!" Hau said.
"Yeah..." Phew, he didn't say anything, Gladion thought.

"You're quite cute in this picture" Hau said.

Cute? - Gladion thought. He started to blush.

"Why you blushing?" Hau enquired.

"I-I... I'm hungry. Let's get some food" Gladion quirked starting to walk towards a food stall.

"Oh... OK! Let's go!" Hau said. Running and grabbing Gladion's hand, guiding him towards a food stall.

Gladion went numb. Hau didn't grab his arm, it's his actual hand. He started to feel dizzy. But, he liked Hau holding his hand. There's no denying it. He didn't want Hau to let go. He wanted to squeeze Hau's hand, but...


This is going to be a long evening.

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