Chapter Six: Do You Want The Moon?

505 8 19

Days Until Christmas Day: 20


Iki Town

Gladion gets off the bus in Iki Town. He's following the map directions on his phone to Hau's home. He spent all day practising what he was going to say. He has to say he's sorry. He has to say that... Well, he still isn't quite sure. Part of him wants to say that he loveshim. However, he still isn't sure what he wants to do with those feelings. He still wants to leave for Galar. So, he doesn't want to start anything with Hau and then leave because that's not fair. He could be gone for at least a year and doesn't want Hau to feel he has to wait. It would break his heart as well. Although, if Lillie is right, then he would be heartbroken either way. He has to tell him that he's leaving but... he doesn't want to make him sad. Although, there's no avoiding it. Gladion just hopes that he might magically know what to say when he sees Hau. Assuming he'll want to listen tohis apology.

Following the map directions, he reaches Hau's home. It's a nice little home. A small garden with nice flowers, a cobbled path leading to the frontdoor. Gladion slowly walks up the path, his nerves almost crippling.
Upon reaching the large wooden door, he slowly lifts his hand andrings the doorbell. After a few moments, the sound of footsteps couldbe heard from inside. The door opens wide and a huge man appears. Oh,it's Kahuna Hala, Hau's grandpa.

"Oh, Gladion! Haven't seen you since your island trial. What brings you to my neck of the woods?" He asked with a smile.

" Hau home?"

"Hau? No, he's not. He went to the Christmas Market in Hau'oli City."

Of course. He comes all the way from Hau'oli City to find out Hau is in Hau'oli City.

"Thank you sir. I'll go find him there, I'm sorry for interrupting your evening." Gladion responds slowly turning to leave.

"Not a problem, young Gladion. But... uhm, can I ask you something?"

Gladion stopped dead in his tracks.


"Hau came home quite late last night, and he seemed really upset. Do you happen to know if something happened?"

Gladion looked at the ground, looking guilty.

"Well, it was kind of my fault that he got upset. That's why I'm here"

"I see..."

"I'm going to go back to Hau'oli City. I want to apologise to him ASAP"

"Understood. On your way" Hala instructed.

Gladion turned and started to walk. Faster and faster until he was running. He isn't waiting for the bus, it's not due for another hour, he's content on running the whole way back.

Running. Running. Running. Running. He isn't stopping until he gets there.

"HAU...I'M... ON MY WAY... PLEASE...PLEASE... STILL BE AT...THECHRISTMAS...MARKET...PLEASE...LISTEN...WAIT... FOR ME!" He screamed. Shouting the words between breaths. He doesn't care if anyone hears him. He just needs to get there.

After what felt like a full blown marathon. Gladion, completely breathless, arrives back in Hau'oli City. He isn't running anymore, he doesn't have it in him. He's desperately trying to catch his breath. He feel she could keel over any second.

"Come on... Gladion. Get it're not there yet." He repeats to himself.

After a few minutes, he stands up straight. Then the Iki Town bus rushes past him.

All I Want For Christmas... (A Gladion x Hau story)Where stories live. Discover now