Chapter Twelve: The Jig Is Up

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Days Until Christmas Day: 1

Days Until Flight: 3


Gladion's Flat

Gladion is in the shower getting ready. Today is Christmas Eve. He is so excited. It's been years since he was last this excited about Christmas. He's meeting the one he loves today, spending all day together. Going to the Christmas Market again, then going to Hau's. Waking up to him on Christmas morning, opening presents. The look on his face when he sees the ticket. It'll be perfect.

After finishing his shower, he goes back into his room to get ready and to prepare a bag with clothes to take to Hau's. He picks up his phone to see 5 missed calls from Lillie and a text message:

"Gladion! Call me ASAP!!!!!!!"

"This isn't good, I don't this..." Gladion says to himself calling Lillie back.


"Gladion! Finally!"

"What's wrong!?"

"Gladion, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry..."

"Why? What's happened?"

"Hau knows..."

"He knows!? How? Did he the open the Christmas Card?"

"No, I accidently told him"

"Lillie! You ruined the surprise. Damn! I was surprising him on Christmas Day!"

"I'm sorry, it slipped out. He was talking about Galar and how you loaned him your travel guide and I accidently said that 'oh he finally told you that he was going' and then he was like 'what?' and I tried to backtrack and he got really upset..."

"Wait! So, he just thinks that I'm going?

"Yeah, he grilled it out of me"

"Why didn't you just tell him that I was surprising him then!? And what the hell happened to 'it's not my place to tell'!?"

"I tried but he was so upset and hung up. I'm sorry, Gladion! But I did warn you! I warned you that he was going to be so upset. I told you that you should have told him earlier!"

"Yeah, Lillie, I get it. But that's why I gave him the travel guide. He was getting excited about. The ticket was his Christmas present, that's what I decided to do because I wasn't thinking that you'd tell him. DAMN IT! I need to go!"

Gladion hung up and quickly put his shoes on. He needed to find Hau as quickly as possible. He tried calling him:

"The person you are calling is not available. Please try again later..."

"Damn! Please Hau..."

He keeps trying but the same message keeps coming up.

Gladion is frantically walking down the street, he's getting the bus to Iki Town to see if Hau is at home. He glances over at the beachfront. Hau is at the edge, staring out at the sea. Gladion. Quickly changes direction and starts running towards him.

"Hau!" Gladion shouts.

Hau didn't respond.

"Hau!" Gladion shouts again.

Hau still didn't respond.

Gladion reaches him. The cold breeze and the waves are the only sounds. Hau isn't even acknowledging Gladion's existence.

"Hau. I'm sorry you found out this way~"

Hau suddenly slaps Gladion square in the face.

Gladion winces at the sting.

"Please let me explain!"

"NO!" Hau snaps. "I don't want to hear it! How could you!? How could you do this!? I thought... I thought... I thought that we would be together forever. And I find out you're leaving. That you were planning to leave before we got together. What was the plan? After Christmas Day you just slip away and I never see you again?"

Hau's face is drowned in tears. Gladion is stunned.

"Hau... I"

"No Gladion! Don't say a word. I can't..."

"Hau!" says a voice in the distance. It's Mallow. Hau called her. She gives a side hug while glaring at Gladion. "Come on Hau, let's go!" She says.

"Hau please!" Gladion please.

"Don't Gladion. I swear I'll put you in the ground!" Hau hissed.


"Leave it, Gladion. Just leave him alone!" Mallow instructed.

Hau and Mallow walk away. Gladion just stands there, watching them get farther away, hearing Hau crying. Gladion falls to his knees. Tears are streaming down his face. He's fucked up, big time. Again.

He lies down onto the cold sand. It starts to rain, but he doesn't move. He doesn't want to. He's wrecked everything, as per usual.

He always ruins everything...

All I Want For Christmas... (A Gladion x Hau story)Where stories live. Discover now