Chapter Eleven: The Countdown Begins

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(A/N) Hi guys, sorry todays chapter took so long. My sister did a socially distanced visit out my backdoor and brought my 2 year old nephew with her who I haven't been able to see for months due to the pandemic. So, my afternoon was occupied with that.

I'm also thinking about doing a Red x Green and/or a Gold x Silver story(s). What do you guys think?

Anyway, enjoy Chapter 11 :) xxx

Days Until Christmas Day: 5

Days Until Flight: 7


Jack's Place - Unovan Style Restaurant

Operation Galar has been quite successful. Gladion let Hau "borrow" his Galar travel guide. Hau has been texting him constantly (more than normal) about how amazing Galar looks. He even texted: "Can we go there one day!?"

Gladion is absolutely ecstatic. His plan is working quicker and even better than he hoped. He's more convinced that he'll say yes. He has decided that he will go with his original plan. He will give Hau the ticket on Christmas Day. If Hau is really excited reading about it and has even expressed an interest in going there one day then, how amazing would he feel on Christmas Day. Gladion was excited thinking about it. Yesterday, he went to the library to print off the email containing the e-ticket and put it inside a Christmas card. He then stuck it ontop of his Christmas present (a new backpack for him to use in Galar) so, Hau will just think it's only a card.

The plan was undeniably genius, he thought to himself.

The couple were sitting in the restaurant enjoying some burgers. Gladion just stares lovingly at Hau. He can't get sick of looking at him. To him, Hau is just perfect. He's so lucky and he can't wait to go to Galar with him. He can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees the ticket.

"What?" Hau asks with a giggle.

"Nothing. Just looking at you"

"You're so adorable!" Hau responds pinching Gladion's cheek.

"So, I want to run something by you." Hau starts. "Grandpa said that if I wanted, I could invite you over to stay with us for Christmas Day if you were up for it?"

"Yeah! I'd like that, I'd love to spend Christmas Day with you!" Gladion responds with a smile.

"Yay! So, come over on Christmas Eve. Wake up early Christmas Day, Christmas dinner, it'll be awesome! But... Grandpa said that we've not to share a bed, you've to sleep on a blow-up mattress on the floor. However...we can always... 'rectify' that once he's asleep." Hau says with a wink.

Gladion chuckles. This is going to be the best Christmas ever.
He's noticed that Hau keeps stealing glances at the gift bag underneath the table. He rolls his eyes.

"OK. I know you've been looking." Gladion chuckles picking up the gift bag and sitting it on the table. "This is your Christmas present. I was going to give it to you today so, you definitely had it for Christmas Day. However, since I'm now spending Christmas Day with you, I might just keep it till I come over."

"No no no! Gimme gimme gimme!" Hau pleads.

"You're not opening it now!" Gladion instructs.

"I know I know. I just want to put it under my tree. I'll just open the card"

"Nope! You open the card on Christmas Day!"

"OK OK!" Hau laughed. "Well, I won't need to give you your present yet, since you're spending Christmas Day with me!" He said with a big smile.

After finishing their lunch, the couple decide to take a walk. They head down to the beach as most of their romantic walks end up. It's a cold but dry day. The boys are wrapped in cute hats, scarves and gloves.

They reach the marked out battlefield on the beachfront. Gladion looks at Hau with a cheeky grin.

"Wanna battle?"

"You're on!" Hau exclaims as he runs to the other end of the battlefield.

The two trainers are poised. Ready to battle.

"Alright! Weavile! Time for battle!" Gladion yelled throwing the Pokéball. The Pokéball opens, releasing a fluid beam of light, taking Weavile's shape. "Hss!" Weavile hissed, raring to go.

"Raichu! Take the stage!" Hau cheered throwing his Pokéball. Raichu appeared from the Pokéball's fluid beam of light with excitement: "Rai~!" Raichu cheered.

The two Pokémon stare down at each other. Waiting for their trainers to make the first move.
"Don't expect me to go easy on you because you're my boyfriend!" Hau declared.

Gladion laughs: "I'd be disappointed if you did!"

The two trainers lock-on to each others eyes. The atmosphere is intense.
Each side waiting...

"Alright! Weavile, use Shadow Claw!"

The stage is set, and the curtain is up. Weavile hones in on Raichu.

"Raichu, dodge it!"
Raichu leaps into the air, narrowly dogdging the attack by a hair.
"Use Thunderbolt!" Hau yelled.

Raichu prepares to launch it's thunderbolt.

"Quick! Counter it with dark pulse!"

Weavile starts to eminate a dark aura. Raichu releases the Thunderbolt as Weavile releases Dark Pulse. Both attacks hurling towards each other, before colliding causing an explosion in the air.

Both boys are pumped up. Both Pokémon are full of energy.

The battle rages on...

All I Want For Christmas... (A Gladion x Hau story)Where stories live. Discover now