Chapter Ten: Operation Galar

365 6 13

Days Until Christmas Day: 7


Gladion's Flat

Gladion thought all afternoon about what Kahuna Hala said, and thought about what Lillie had said. He knows that he needs to do this carefully. So, he decided to slyly talk about Galar and gauge Hau's opinion and see what he thinks. He's hoping that Hau will get excited about it and then when Gladion gives him the ticket, he'll be really happy. He's called it "Operation Galar".

He still wants to give him the ticket on Christmas Day, even though Kahuna Hala and Lillie advised against that. However, Gladion didn't think about Operation Galar so, it may be less of a surprise to Hau. Although....

"Oh Shit! I can't do that!" Gladion shouted, startling Silvally. Lillie and Kahuna Hala are correct. Leaving it till Christmas Day is too late to tell him. Gladion is right back where he started. He knows what he wants to do, he just doesn't know when to do what.

"Come on, think. I've 2 options:

1. I tell Hau now about Galar and just give him the ticket.
2. I do Operation Galar and leave it till Christmas Day to surprise him with the ticket.

But, for option 2, I've only got 6 more days. Time would be very tight."

Gladion is rubbing his head, desperately trying to think.

*bzz bzz*

A text from Hau...

" Hey gorgeous, I've finished lunch with Mallow. How was your afternoon? Xxx"

" Hey babe, that's nice. Did you have fun? It was OK. Fairly boring xxx"

*bzz bzz*

"Yeah, it was really great. Aww really, that sucks. You're afternoon would've been more fun with me ;) haha xxx"

"Haha yeah, it would. What you doing now? Xxx"

*bzz bzz*

"Just heading for the bus home. You? Xxx"

"I'm just at home. Do you wanna come over? I mean, if you're not too tired. It's fine if you want to go home :) xxx"

*bzz bzz*


Gladion chuckles to himself. He's always full of energy. While he waits for Hau to arrive, Gladion decides to just commence Operation Galar. He still can't decide which of the options to go for but it can't do any harm getting Hau thinking and hopefully getting excited about the Galar region. He picks up his Galar travel guide and places it on his coffee table for Hau to see...

*Knock knock*

Gladion opens the door, and on the other side is his ray of sunshine.

"Hey babe"

"Hey gorgeous. I have an H and a G and all I need in-between them is U." Hau giggled pointing at Gladion.

Gladion laughs and pulls him in for a kiss and a hug.

"You're such a dork!" Gladion teased.

"You love this dork!" Hau quirked.

Gladion welcomes him in and goes to make a cup of tea, while Hau sits on the couch. He immediately notices the travel guide:

"Oh, what's this? 'Lonely Planets travel guide to the Galar Region?"

~Yes! He's taken the bait!~ Gladion thought to himself.

"Yeah. I bought it a while back. Sometimes I like to read through them and look at the pictures" (In fairness, both statements are true regardless of his plans)

Hau is intrigued. He starts to flick through the pages. Gladion brings the tea over, places the mugs on the coffee table and sits down, putting his arm around Hau as he reads.

Hau is fascinated. He's so impressed at how beautiful Galar is:

"Wow! Look at the Wild Area. All the new Pokémon. That just makes my heart race. *flicks pages* Ohhhh, Motostoke! Look at the buildings. The stadium. *flicks pages* Wow, Wyndon! It looks like a city from the future. *flicks pages* Hammerlocke! *flicks pages* Oh! The Crown Tundra! The castles! That's so awesome!"

Gladion is smiling. His plan is working. Hau has fallen in love with Galar.

"Do you like the look of Galar, then?"

"Definitely! Galar looks absolutely amazing. I'd love to travel one day!"

"That's good to know"

Gladion needs to contain himself. Operation Galar is working faster than he thought. This is going to work. He's sure Hau will definitely say yes to going to Galar with him.

Now he just needs to find the perfect moment to tell him.

All I Want For Christmas... (A Gladion x Hau story)Where stories live. Discover now