Chapter Thirteen: He's Done It Again

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Days Until Christmas Day: 1

Days Until Flight: 3


Hau'oli City Beach

Gladion is still lying on the beach. Tears still streaming down his face. He doesn't want to move. He wants the sea to carry him away. He wants the ground to swallow him whole. He's finished...

"...H-Hau...I'm sorry... Please come back... Please let me explain...I love you so much... Please... Please..." He cries to himself.

He hates himself. He's ruined the one good thing he had. He was warned that this would happen. Why didn't he listen to them?

Eventually, Gladion pushes himself up. Sand sticking to his face. He cleans himself off. He looks out at the stormy sea. The rain is still falling heavily:

"No... This isn't the end! I won't let that happen! Not without a fight!" He says with determination, clenching his fists.

He turns and starts to run. He's going to Iki Town, he's going to talk to Hau. He's going to explain. He can salvage this. They can still have their Christmas Day.

He runs to the bus stop to catch the next bus. He would've just ran but he was super wet and the bus was right there. (No brainer!)

Although, the bus feels so slow moving, he's completely restless. As soon as he could see his stop, he jumped out the seat, pushing past everyone to get off the bus first. He's running like a lightning bolt.

He reaches Hau's door. He bangs on it loudly:

"Hau! Hau please! Come out! Please talk to me. Let me explain! Hau! I promise you! It's not what you think! I want to take you with me!" Gladion screams.

"Hau..." he whispers. Tears falling down his face again. "...please..."

Hau is in his room upstairs. He can faintly here Gladion shouting. He's not interested in his excuses. He's heartbroken. Again. He still can't believe that Gladion would do this to him. Especially on Christmas Eve. Christmas is his favourite time of year. Not anymore...

"Hau?" Kahuna Hala says as he slowly opens the door.

"I don't want to talk to him, Grandpa. I just can't! I don't want to hear any of his excuses!"

"Maybe you should at least hear what he has to say."

"NO! I told you, I don't want to! Please leave me alone!"

Kahuna Hala closes the door.

Gladion stops banging on the door. Hau isn't coming. He's completely distraught. Feeling defeated, he leaves and goes home.

Kahuna Hala watches Gladion walk away through the window. He isn't sure what to do. He knows that Gladion has bought Hau a ticket, he knows that it's Hau's Christmas present, but, where is it? Is there a physical ticket? Or does Gladion have it? He's assuming that if there is a physical ticket then it'll be in an envelope but, he hasn't seen one that could possibly be from Gladion. He also doesn't want to start confusing the situation even more. And he has no way of contacting Gladion without asking Hau and that would not end well. Hau is a very stubborn boy. Once he's decided something, he won't change his mind or listen to reason.

"Youth is wasted on the wrong people..." Kahuna Hala sighs shaking his head.

Gladion reaches his flat. He's completely broken. He tried calling Hau on the way home but it keeps coming up with the "unavailable" message. Text messages are bouncing back.

Gladion collapses onto the floor, pulling in his legs into the fetal position. The tears won't stop. He's heartbroken, and it's all his fault.

*bzz bzz bzz bzz bzz*

Gladion pulls his phone out of his pocket. It's Lillie. Swiping to answer and bringing the phone to his ear, shaking...

"Lillie!" He cries. "It's all my fault. I've ruined everything..."

(A/N) Sorry, bit of a short chapter this time.

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