Chapter Fourteen: Christmas Day

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Days Until Flight: 2


Hau'oli City Beach

Gladion looks blankly out at the see. The moon is starting to slowly set. The waves are calm, a light breeze is blowing, bird Pokémon are chirping away to welcome the morning.

Gladion's eyes are red. He hasn't slept and he hasn't stopped crying. He still can't believe he was so stupid. He never thinks things through. He was warned that something like this would happen. He didn't listen. He learned about Hau's past, and yet, he still didn't listen. Now he finds himself, right back at the beginning. Unhappy and alone. This is not going to be the happy Christmas he thought he'd have. This is not the happy ending he dreamed of.

His calls continue to go unanswered. His texts are bouncing back. Hau refused to answer the door. He doesn't know what else to do.

He knows Hau is hurting too. He knows he's heartbroken. He knows it's all his fault.

Gladion thought about going back to Hau's and try again. However, he now thinks that might be a bad idea. Hau doesn't want to speak or see him. Gladion completely understands. It's always been that way. He ruins everything.

He is deciding what to do next.

"If... I can't be with Hau, then I don't want to be here..." He says to the sea. "I'm going to Galar!"

*Knock Knock*

"Hau?" Kahuna Hala said quietly. "Hau. Are you coming down? It's Christmas."

"Please leave me alone!" Hau blubbered.

"Please Hau. Come on! Open presents. You might feel better"

"Grandpa! Please leave me alone!"

Defeated once again, Kahuna Hala walks away. He's a little angry that Gladion didn't take his advice but completely understands what his plan was.

Hau hasn't moved since yesterday. He can't bring himself to get out of bed. Everyone always leaves him. They always abandon him. They say they love him but they all leave. He feels stupid that he thought Gladion was different. Part of him did think that he should've heard him out. He was too upset. He still is upset. Gladion could have an explanation as to why he hadn't told him, though. Although, it could be lie. The fact of the matter is... Gladion is leaving for Galar and that's what hurts the most...

"Gladion... Please don't leave me!"

"Merry Christmas, Gladion!" Lillie cheers.

"Is it?"

"Gladion... I'm so sorry. I should've kept quiet"

"No! Don't be stupid. It's my fault. I shouldn't have went with my idiotic plan. I still can't..."

"What are you going to do now?"

"If I can't be with Hau, then... I don't want to be here anymore. I'm going to Galar, as planned. Before I leave for my flight, I'm going to try one more time. But, I doubt he'll listen. He hates me. It's probably better that I leave."

"He doesn't hate you. His heart is broken. But it's all a misunderstanding. I know you were trying to do something really sweet and I really really think you should try talking to him again."

"I'll give him some space today. I won't cause anymore upset. Especially on Christmas Day. I'll go tomorrow. Maybe he'll be more receptive"

"Good idea. Call me if you need me."

"I will. Merry Christmas, Lillie!"

"Merry Christmas, Gladion!"

Gladion ends the call. He looks out of his window. The sun is now high in the sky. He sighs. Certainly not the Christmas Day he was looking forward to. He hopes that Hau will listen to what he has to say tomorrow. There's still time.

It's not over yet...

All I Want For Christmas... (A Gladion x Hau story)Where stories live. Discover now