Chapter Five: Coming To Terms

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Days Until Christmas Day: 20


Gladion's Flat

Gladion was face down on the couch. He hadn't moved for hours. He was completely distraught. His two worse case scenarios happened. He acted on his urges and kissed Hau, and then shouted at him as if it was his fault. He completely messed it all up.

His face was red from all the tears. Hau looked so upset. He'd never seen him like that before. Trust Gladion to be the one to cause that. He sent Hau a text, apologising but there's been no answer. Maybe Hau went straight to bed when he got home. Well, that's what Gladion hoped. He didn't want to upset Hau like that. He didn't know what happened. He made the first move, but he still panicked.

Gladion continued to lay face down on the couch. He can't bring himself to pick himself up. He can still smell Hau on his couch. It made him feel nice, but also makes him upset as it reminds him of what he did. He needs to talk to someone. With all the energy he can muster, he pulls himself up, picks up the phone and video calls the only person he knows who could be helpful and lend a sympathetic ear.

"... Hey Gladion, what's up? Wait! What's wrong? Have you been crying?"

"Lillie... I need your help. I've fucked up..."

"Oh! Talk to me! Tell me what happened?"

*Gladion explained the past couple of days*

"Wow! So, you're gay then."

"I'm no.... That's not the point, Lillie. Focus!"

"I'd say it is very much the point. You developed feelings for Hau, you then on impulse acted on them, you then realised what that meant and you freaked out..."

"So... What does it mean?"

"Oh Gladion, really. I don't need to tell you what you already know. You love Hau!"


"Why are you scared to love someone? He loves you. He would love to be with you"

"How do you know he loves me?"

"He told me ages ago"


"Calm down! 1. You were incognito most of the time. And 2. It's not for me to tell you."

"But... But... You knew the whole time that he liked me"

"I'm surprised you didn't notice"


Gladion thought for a moment. Every encounter they've had. The way Hau talks to him, his whole demeanour. Especially over the past couple of days, the arm grabbing, the selfie, the grabbing of his hand, the "x's" at the end of his texts. He then thought about himself. How he felt during those moments. The numbness, the tingly feeling he felt. His eyes suddenly widened.

"Shit! How did I not notice. How did I not realise. I..."

"How do you feel?"

"When he grabbed my arm, I got breathless and sweaty. When he got really close to me for the selfie, with his arm round my waist, my heart started pounding. When he grabbed my hand, I went numb. When I kissed him, his lips were soft, it felt nice. I...liked it. All of it. I...wanted it to never stop."

"Aww Gladion. That's so sweet! So, what are you wanting to do? What's the plan?"

"I...want to be with him, I think. But... "

"But what?"

"I don't want to start anything before I leave Alola"

"You're leaving Alola? Where are you going?"

"I'm...going to the Galar Region. I want to go explore the world. I want to go on an adventure"

"Well, that's great. It's good to experience new places. Does... Hau know?"

"No. Nobody knows. I just wanted to slip away without a fuss. No awkward goodbyes"

"Oh Gladion. You can't do that. Especially now. Hau needs to know. And you definitely need to patch things up. Even if you don't pursue a relationship which, to be honest, I think would be great. He has a right to know. You don't want to leave Alola with something like that hanging over you"

"Yeah... You're right. I'll talk to him. Thanks Lillie"

"You're welcome. I'm always here for you. Remember that."

"I will. Talk to you soon"


The call ended. Gladion felt better. He knows what he needs to do. He really needs to patch things up with Hau. He wasn't sure what to do about liking him but he definitely needs to apologise in person at least.

*bzz bzz*

A text from Lillie....

"Ah! It's Hau's address. Didn't even think to ask for that. She's always one step ahead" Gladion chuckled.

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