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"Ugh, why so you smell like that?" I said as Kurt walked up to me. "Thrown in a dumpster. What's your excuse?" He asked and i rolled my eyes. "See you at rehearsal." "Bye." We made our separate ways. I walked down and Santana said "Junkie." as she walked by. I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

We were singing Freak Out. We did a kick move. "Woah, Woah!" The music stopped. "Hell to the nah. You try to bust my face again, and i will cut you." Mercedes told Rachel. "And also, this song is terrible."

"No, it's not the song, you guys just need to get into it."

"No it's the song. It's really gay." Kurt said and i nodded. "With all due respect Mr. Schue, this song is older than my grandma. If i played this she wouldn't even tap her foot."

"We need modern music, Mr. Schue." Artie agreed with me.

"I'm sorry, guys. We don't have time to discuss this. We're doing this song this Friday at the pep assembly."

"In f-front of the whole school?!" Tina asked.

"Exactly!" He smiled.

"They're gonna throw fruit at us and i just had a facial." Kurt said.

"If the song hadn't bored then to death by then." I added.

"I'll press charges if that happens." Rachel looked at me and Kurt.

"Guys, I can't express to you how important this assembly is. We need recruits. They're are seven of you. We need twelve to qualify for regionals. We have no choice or the club is over. I know you don't like the song but we took Nationals back in 93 with freak out. Its a crowd pleaser. Trust me. Back from the top!"

"Keyword: ninety three." I said and went back to my place.

time skip.

"I officially call this meeting of Glee Club in session." Rachel smiled.

"But Mr. Schuester isn't here." Artie said.

"Mr. Schuester isn't coming. I paid a freshman to ask him for help with irregular verbs."

"I'm so sick of hearing you squawk, Eva Peron." Mercedes said.

"Let her talk." Finn smiled.

"I have another idea for the assembly."

"Can I, once again, stress my most strenuous objections to this attempted suicide?" Artie asked and i laughed. He looked over at me and smiled.

"They're not gonna kill us. Because we're going to give them what they want."

"Blood?" Kurt asked.

"Better. Sex."

I sat up right and chuckled. "You're not serious, are you?"

"Like a heart attack." She smiled.

time skip.

I got out of the bathroom stall. It was just before the assembly and i had a blue costume on. I washed my hands and saw Santana walk out. She scared me and i laughed in relief. She looked at me up and down. "What's so funny, smurf?"

"Nothing. You just scared me." I said as she washed her hands. "Let me do you a favor and not let you embarrass yourself." She walked out of the bathroom.

"What?" I was confused. I tried walking out but i couldn't. She locked the door. I knocked on it. "Santana! Stop playing around!" I heard her laugh and walk away. "Ugh! Help!" I tried opening.

"Hello?" I heard a girl ask and i laugh. "Yeah, can you open the door?!" I heard the door unlock and the girl opened it. "Thank you." I ran to the gym hoping i wasn't too late but i was. I saw the rest of the kids doing overly sexual dance moves. I was kinda glad Santana locked me in the bathroom. The music stopped and everyone cheered.

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