Bucky Barnes - Cuts and bruises

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Warnings ⚠️ : blood? (Not really but why not warn ig), ⚠️ pretty intense makeout scene
Also, I'm so sorry, I can't attach pics 😭😭😭 my phone or app is glitching and won't let me.

You bent over the pot full of bubbling soup, inhaling deeply as the warm scent of Italian soup (Authors note: my favorite soup hehe) filled your nostrils.
Sighing happily you gently stirred it before placing the lid back over it to let it simmer a little more.
Your boyfriend Bucky should have returned from his mission with Thor and Steve a while ago.
You tried to calm yourself with the thought that many of his missions took longer than originally anticipated.
Hesitating to put the garlic bread in the oven, you waited, unsure if it would be done before he came home.
He had told you before you didn't have to prepare meals for him but you insisted, loving caring for him.
You were a chef anyways, and always enjoyed being in the kitchen.
Glancing at your phone, it read 6:30 pm.

Minutes later you stood by the oven, checking the time every few seconds like it would make it go by faster.
Shuffling was heard at the front door and you jumped out of your daze, tossing the bread into the oven and rushing to the door, only to stop to check yourself in the mirror.
Your hair surprisingly was still held up in a messy, but pretty bun, Bucky's shirt hanging loosely around your narrow shoulders. Tucking a strand of flyaways behind your ear you swung the door open, not prepared for what was in front of you.
Steve was slouched slightly, holding onto Bucky, who's head was dropping, his hair hanging over his eyes.
You're eyes widened in concern. "What happened? Is he ok??" You took one look at the blood stained shirt Bucky was clad in and covered your mouth.
"It went kinda bad..." Steve sighed, looking down.
"Shouldn't he be in the hospital? C'mon, we'll go." You stepped back into grab your purse and keys but was stopped by Bucky's voice.
"No." It came out low and quiet, but still stubborn sounding as ever.
"Yes, you need help."
"No hospitals. I'm fine. I'll heal." He grunted, attempting to stand but failing as he grabbed his side, wincing.
"Baby..." your tone softened, coming to his side, lifting his metal arm up and over your shoulders. "I don't know if I can give you the help you need."
Steve shook his head. "He's not gonna give in."
Sighing, you wrapped your arm gently around him, as you and Steve helped him in, slowly laying him back on the plush couch.
You seated yourself next to him, stroking his mussed hair, smiling as he made eye contact with you, attempting to hide your concern.
"I'm....my girlfriend is waiting for me...I'm gonna head out. Call me if he's misbehaving." Steve gave Bucky a stern, but playful glance before letting himself out.
"I'll go get the first aid kit." You stood, making your way down the hall, feeling his bright blue eyes on your back as you walked away.

When you came back he had his head leaning back, resting on the back of the couch, exposing his sharp, perfect jawline, his broad chest rising and falling in slow, even breaths.
Just the sight of him made you weak in the knees.
"Y/N?" He smirked a little, glancing down at you, replacing his grin with a grimace as tried to raise his head.
Your embarrassment at being caught staring faded away as your concern for his comfort took over.
"I can't even see where the wound is, there's just blood all over." Your brow furrowed as you searched his abdomen for the source of blood.
He gestured to his lower right side, carefully peeling back the lower part of his shirt, exposing the deepest wound you'd ever seen, no wonder it wasn't healed yet.
You gasped, your eyes watering slightly as you observed the pain etched in his beautiful features. "Baby...." you murmured, gently removing his hand from where it gripped his shirt tightly, resting it on the couch.
Wetting a cloth with alcohol you cleaned around the wound, watching in amazement as it slowly came back together, healing bit by bit.
You bandaged it up, allowing his body to finish sealing it as you moved on to the small scratches and bruises on his face.
He studied your face as you cleaned his, you bit your lips self consciously trying not to blush as you avoided eye contact.
"Doll?" His voice came out gruff, but still loving.
"Hm?" You moved on to his arm and bloody knuckles, refusing to look at him, despite him being your boyfriend for over a year now, you felt nervous and flustered around him, like some dumb high schooler with a crush.
"Y/N?" He reached over with his metal arm, tilting your face to look at him.
"Yes, Bucky?" Your breath hitched as you glanced at his eyes, then down at his lips, before bringing your gaze back up to his.
Shame on you, you perv. He's in pain and all you can think about is sitting on his lap and his lips attached to your neck. You mentally scolded yourself.
Barely had you gotten those thoughts out before his lips crashed on yours, a wave a feverish heat rushing over you as he pulled you onto his lap by your hips.
You gasped at the unexpected movement and that seemed to fuel him on as he attacked your neck with kisses, stopping to suck and bite in one spot before moving on to the next, impatiently pulling on the neckline of your shirt (which was technically his 😉)
You automatically rested your hands on his shoulders, biting your lips and holding back moans as you slowly pressed your hips against his, causing him to groan, panting into your neck as his forehead rested on your collarbone, stopping the attacks on your neck long enough for you to take a turn kissing his, finding his sweet spot as you slowly rocked your hips, his fingers tightening around your waist.
"Mmm, d-doll...aah." he sighed, throwing his head back in the sexiest way possible, his obvious excitement growing under you.
You flushed, heating at just his moans, delicately lacing your fingers under the hem of his shirt, lifting it up over him, tossing it to the side as you stared in awe at his perfect body.
Your cool fingers traced up his warm skin, his breath stopped for a moment and you glanced up at his face, expecting his eyes to be closed but no, they were watching you, your every movement, your every facial expression, trailing down your arm to where your hand was tracing his abs.
He pulled you down, engulfing your already swollen and pink lips with his own again, hungrily kissing you, moaning into the kiss as you continued to grind, before he flipped you over, hovering over you, his metal arm tugging your hips up against his.

All the sudden a burning scent hit your nostrils, causing you to cough, gasping as you sat up, "The bread!" You ran to the kitchen pulling it out of the oven, waving a towel over it in dismay.
"Our dinner...." you whimpered tossing the hot pads onto the counter.
"That's ok, I had other plans for dinner." Bucky was behind you, sneaking his hands up your shirt before picking you up, wrapping your legs around his hips, carrying you to the bedroom to continue.

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