Chapter 13- Ice Cream

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Did that really just happen? I pulled away, only for a second, to whisper “I like you too,” Before connecting our lips once again. I could feel Harry smile into the kiss. I smiled back, feeling our lips still moving in sync. Before the kiss got too heated, Harry pulled away, too soon for my liking.

“Are you ready to go?” Harry chuckled, pointing to his car.

“Of course,” I smiled as he took my hand, lacing our fingers, and led me to his car.

We drove the 5 minutes to the ice cream place. We could have walked, but it was getting a bit chilly out, so we decided to drive. Once we arrived, we went inside to be greeting with what seemed like hundreds of ice cream choices.

“What do you want, babe?” Harry asked, taking hold of my hand again. I could feel my stomach starting to do little flips, something that happened every time Harry held my hand.

“I don’t know. I can’t pick. What are you going to get?” I looked up to find his eyes scanning the names by each of the different flavors.

“Mmmm, I was thinking….Smores?” He made it sound more like a question.

“I’ll get that too,” Harry walked up to the counter, with me in tow behind him.

“What can I get for you two?” The man asked, an ice cream scoop in his left hand.

“Two cones of the Smores ice cream please,” Harry said, grabbing his wallet out of his back pocket.

The man began scooping, handing me the first cone, and Harry the second.

“That’ll be five dollars,” Harry took out a five dollar bill, along with two ones.

“Keep the rest,” Harry said as he smiled, taking my hand and walking out of the store.

“Thanks! Have a good night!” The man called after us. Once we got outside, Harry turned the corner, leading us down the street.

“Mmm! This is so good!” I said once I had tried my cone.

“Wanna take a walk?” I nodded, and followed as Harry led us towards the park that was a few blocks from my house.

We stopped by the fountain that was in the center of the park, Harry taking a seat on the little ledge that outlined the fountain. I followed, and did the same.

We finished our ice cream in silence, but it wasn’t awkward. It was actually a comforting silence.

“You know Brielle…I really do like you. I meant what I said earlier,” Harry said, once he had finished his ice cream. I couldn’t help but smile. His arm slipped around my waist, and I leaned into his chest.

“I like you too, a lot.” I murmured. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. We just sat like that, in each other’s arms, for what seemed like forever. Finally, Harry leaned down, and kissed me again.

“Wanna head back to your house? Your mom might kill me if you don’t show up a second night in a row.” He chuckled, taking my hand in his and walking off towards where he had parked his car.


“I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” Harry said before kissing me. This kiss wasn’t heated like the few before it. It was a soft, sweet kiss. My stomach was flipping over and over. Kissing Harry was incredible.

“Bye,” I smiled, kissing him one last time before walking into my house, closing the door behind me. I watched as he walked back to his car, waving to me before getting in, and driving off.

I walked into the living room, to find my mom and Allie sitting on the couch together, watching TV.

“How was your date?” My mom asked, a smile apparent on her face.

“Good,” I couldn’t help but smile. Every time Harry and I hung out it was amazing.

“I really like him Bre, he seems very sweet. I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks Mom. I really like him.” I smiled once more, before heading up to my room.

Sunday passed without much excitement. Harry and I texted most of the day, talking about anything and everything. I was sitting down on my bed, scrolling through my twitter feed when my phone buzzed.

The Sexy Harry Styles: Just so you know, Haz loves me more! :D But you guys are super cute together! ;)

I instantly knew it was Louis who had texted me.

Brielle: I think he likes me more, Lou. Its okay, no need to be jealous! :)

My phone started ringing, telling me I was getting a call from Harry, errr-Louis?

“Hello?” I said, a smile already etched on my face.

“HE DOES NOT LOVE YOU MORE!” Louis practically screamed into the phone.

I couldn’t control my laughter, “Whatever you say Louisssss,” I cooed into the phone.

All of the sudden you could hear Harry’s voice, full of confusion say “Louis? Who are you talking to?”

“BRIELLE! THE GIRL YOU DON’T LOVE!” Louis screamed once again. All of the sudden, there was a loud thud, followed by “Louis, give me my phone god dammit!”

I was practically crying on the other end, this was too funny.

“Hello? Bre?” Harry said on the other end.

“H-hi,” I was still trying to stop laughing.

“Ignore Louis. He acts like a 5 year old.” He said chuckling.

“IM 20 YEARS OLD! NOT 5!” Louis yelled in the background.

“Anyway, since I’m talking to you, I was wondering…What do you want to eat tomorrow? If you’re er- still coming over?”

“I would love to come over Harry. And I don’t really care what we eat, you can choose. You’re the one cooking,” I smiled. I couldn’t wait to try the food Harry was going to make. Everyone said he was a wonderful chef.

“Spaghetti? Would that be okay?”

“Of course. What time should I come over?”

“5? That way we can talk for a while with the lads  before we eat,”

“Sure. Sounds amazing. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I replied, before hanging up.

I was so excited for tomorrow. I haven’t really had a chance to get to know the rest of the guys. We only talked for about 5 minutes the first night I had met them, and they weren’t at the hotel last time I was there. I fell asleep that night with a smile on my face. Harry seemed to have that effect on me.

A/N: Sorry this was such a short chapter! Longer ones to come though, I promise! Please comment and vote!


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