Chapter Two

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Korzi lay on the floor of her room, her gaze fixed on the ceiling. She was the eldest of four siblings, and sometimes she found it challenging to spend time with her younger sisters and brother. After completing all her tasks for the day, she found herself with nothing to do, feeling bored and restless.

She let out a sigh of frustration. The only person she enjoyed spending time with was Korra, but she wasn't there. The thought made her want to scream at her father, but she knew it wasn't entirely his fault.

As she lay there, she couldn't shake the feeling that she should be somewhere else, doing something more exciting. She was a master Airbender, after all. Why couldn't she stay at the South Pole with Korra and receive her training there? But her father had other plans that didn't suit her, and it frustrated her to no end.

Desperate for some company, Korzi got up and left her room in search of Jinora. Perhaps the younger girl would be interested in doing something with her to help pass the time.

"Korra!" Meelo yelled from outside her window which made her head snap to the source of his voice. Korra? That can't be right, right? She thought but she was mistaken when she heard the all-familiar chuckle outside.

Korzi's heart raced with excitement as she caught sight of Korra outside her window.

Korra's here.

Korra is here!

Without a second thought, she dashed out of her room and ran towards her, her feet pounding against the ground. Meelo and Ikki had already latched onto Korra's waist in a warm embrace, but Korzi didn't hesitate to join in, wrapping her arms tightly around Korra's neck and legs around her waist in an exuberant bear hug. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them, reunited at last. The sheer force of their embrace sent them tumbling to the ground, but neither of them cared

"Are you coming to live with us on the island?" Ikki beamed.

Korra's laughter echoed through the air as she and Korzi playfully tumbled atop one another. It was a familiar sight, for the two were accustomed to this roughhousing every time they met, a biannual occasion due to Korra's Avatar training. But their playful banter was interrupted by the sudden clearing of a throat, and Tenzin's presence loomed behind them.

Korra couldn't help but chuckle at the young girl's innocence. "No, I'm sorry, Ikki. I have to go back," she replied, her attention still focused on the younger girl, ignoring Tenzin's presence entirely.

Korzi's face scrunched up in confusion, ignoring her father. "What? Why?" Korzi said getting off of her and helping her up.

Korra looked at Tenzing who sighed and replied, "I have done my best to guide Republic City toward the dream my father had for it, but you were right. It has fallen out of balance since he passed. I thought I should put off your training to uphold his legacy, but you're his legacy."

Tension filled the air as Tenzin, Korra, and Korzi exchanged glances, each with their own expectations and desires. Korzi's impatience was palpable as she snapped at her father's talk of legacy and wisdom. "Is she staying or not?"

With a firm conviction, Tenzin stated, "Republic City needs its Avatar once again. You may stay and train airbending here with me and Korzi."

The announcement sparked joy in Korra's heart, prompting her to exclaim with gratitude, "Yes! Thank you! You're the best!"

The children chimed in, their excitement echoing through the room, "Yay!"

However, Korzi's reaction was unexpected as she remained quiet, prompting Tenzin to question, "Korzi?"

With a glimmer of hope in her eyes, she asked, "I'm also training her?"

Tenzin's response was immediate, "Of course you are."

Korra's arms enveloped the three children in a warm embrace, lifting them off the ground with effortless ease. Moving on to Tenzin and Korzi, she hoisted them up as well, eliciting laughter and joy from all. Even Ikki couldn't contain her giggles as Naga, Korra's faithful companion, approached the group and joined in on the embrace, pressing her head against Korra's back.

As the group basked in the warmth of their affection, Tenzin couldn't help but sigh, his thoughts wandering to the immense responsibility he had taken on. What had he gotten himself into?


Korra stood at the podium, taking a deep breath as she addressed the sea of eager faces before her. "Hello?" she spoke into the microphone, her voice ringing out across the crowd. "I'm Korra, your new Avatar."

The crowd erupted into cheers, a deafening roar that filled the air around her. But as soon as she finished her opening statement, the questions came pouring in like a flood, a cacophony of voices clamoring for attention.

"Does this mean you've moved to Republic City?" one reporter shouted, while another chimed in, "Were you trying to send a message to the Triads yesterday?"

Korzi, standing beside her father on the stage, felt a pang of confusion. What message was her friend trying to send, exactly?

As the barrage of questions continued, one after the other, Korra felt herself growing overwhelmed. "Will you be fighting crime or the Anti-bending Revolution, or both?" a journalist yelled.

Korzi stood beside her friend, watching as she struggled to answer the rapid-fire questions being hurled at her. Korra being unaware of the problems plaguing Republic City, she wondered how she would handle it all.

At last, Korra managed to speak above the noise. "Yes, I am definitely here to stay," she said, her voice ringing out with determination. "But honestly, I don't exactly have a plan yet. See, I'm still in training."

The crowd was rapt, hanging on her every word. "All I know is Avatar Aang meant for this city to be the center of peace and balance in the world," she continued. "And I believe we can make his dream a reality. I look forward to serving you!"

The audience erupted into cheers once more, and the journalists snapped pictures of her, their cameras illuminating the scene in bright flashes of light.

As the questions drew to a close, a voice crackled over the radio, cutting off the chatter. "Amon, how do you want to handle this?" the lieutenant asked.

"The Avatar has arrived earlier than expected," Amon replied, his voice tight with irritation. "It looks like we'll have to accelerate our plans."

The lieutenant nodded in agreement, his eyes shining with anticipation. "The benders will finally understand that there's no place in our world for them," he said.

Amon was silent for a moment, his thoughts racing. "I have a new plan," he finally spoke, his voice low and dangerous. The words sent a chill down the lieutenant's spine, and he waited nervously for further instructions.

"Contact Hiroshi."

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