Chapter Seven

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"I know it sounds weird to say this, but I'm really glad I hit you with my moped," Asami said as she intertwined her hand with Makos. The two walked to the park and took a seat on the nearby bench under the tree.

"Uh, me too," Mako chuckled.

"You hit him with your moped?" Korzi's voice boomed from above, startling the two. They looked up to find the young airbender lying in an uncomfortable position among the branches.

"Korzi," Marko said with a hint of annoyance, "Good to see you as always."

"Good?" Korzi questioned, making him glare at her. Asami, on the other hand, was clueless about their relationship.

"Wait, you two know each other?" she asked.

"We're friends," Mako replied, causing Korzi to gasp in surprise. "We are?" she questioned, and Mako had to restrain himself from getting angry.

"Korzi what the hell are you doing in a tree?"

"I was bored."

"So, you climbed up a tree like you're ten years old?" Mako teased.

Korzi rolled her eyes. "Look, Korra is off doing spirits-knows-what with Tarrlok, Bolin is nowhere to be found, and you said you were going on a date with your girlfriend. So, what else was I supposed to do?"

"Girlfriend?" Asami raised an eyebrow, a smug expression on her face. Mako blushed and quickly redirected the conversation.

"Anyway, can you please leave us alone?" he asked Korzi, who just laughed.

"Of course not. You still haven't introduced me to your green-eyed friend here," she said, grinning mischievously.

He was growing frustrated but tried to contain his temper, "Asami, Korzi. Korzi, Asami."

"Nice to meet you, Asami," Korzi said jumping off the tree. The two shook hands, "You too," Asami replied.

"Well, if you excuse me then, I'm going to leave you two lovebirds alone," she said as Mako sighed, "Finally."

"She knows how to make a first impression," Asami said smiling a bit.

"Korzi's an idiot, don't listen to her," Mako replied trying to ease up a bit but Asami chuckled, "I like her, she seems fun."


"Round one goes to the Boar-q-pines!"

"You were supposed to defend while I attacked!" Mako snapped at Korra, who glared back at him, "I had an opening so I took it!"

"What is up with you two? All right, whatever, just pull together, guys," Bolin said staying calm.

As they watched from the stands, Asami and Korzi were utterly perplexed by the actions of Korra and Mako. Korzi glared at Korra for her blunders and at Mako for his distraction, while Bolin seemed to be the only one giving his best effort. Asami couldn't help but inquire about the two benders' lack of concentration.

"What's wrong with them?" she asked, but Korzi merely shook her head.

"I have no clue. They're not focused, that's for sure. Bolin, on the other hand, seems to be doing just fine."

"Right, figures."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Korzi asked, trying to keep her cool. She liked Asami, and if this girl was about to drag her best friend for something, the liking would fade in a second.

"It's just that, don't get me wrong, Korra is great and all, but do you think that she and Mako may have something going on?" Asami asked.

Korzi stared at Asami for a second until she burst out laughing. The two weren't paying attention to the game anymore, and Korzi's reaction made Asami calm down a little.

"Are you seriously jealous of Korra?" Korzi asked.

"What? I'm not-" Asami denied.

"Please, Asami. No, why would you even think that?" Korzi replied, trying her best to sound convincing. She didn't want to give the girl false hope, but she also didn't want to ruin her relationship with Mako by revealing anything.

Asami looked at Korzi with a hint of scepticism but decided to let it go. "Then I have nothing to worry about?" she asked.

"Absolutely not," Korzi assured her with a smile.

"The Future Industries Fire Ferrets have won their quarterfinal match!" The announcer's booming voice pulled their attention back to the game.

Once the match ended, Korzi headed outside in search of Korra, as not a single member of the Fire Ferrets was in the changing room. She caught sight of Bolin strolling towards the balcony and decided to follow him.

"Bolin! Wait up!" Korzi yelled. He turned around with a bouquet in his hands. Korzi's eyes widened, surprised at what he was carrying around.

"Woah, who's that for?"


"Korra?" Korzi asked, perplexed by Bolin's gesture of giving flowers to Korra. First, the odd gifts, and now this... oh no. This was either going to end well or poorly, with no in-between. Bolin shrugged and headed towards Mako and Korra, who seemed to be arguing again.

Korzi was torn between turning around and leaving or staying to see what would happen next. Unfortunately, she opted for the latter, not realizing how foolish it was.

Everything happened so quickly. Mako and Korra were fighting, and then they kissed, Bolin dropped the flowers and ran away crying, Mako followed his brother, angry at Korra, and Korzi was petrified, standing frozen in shock.

As Mako ran past her, Korzi watched as Korra sat down on the ground, hugging her knees close to her chest. It hurt Korzi to see Korra kissing someone, but she couldn't quite understand why.

Ignoring her own emotions, Korzi walked towards her best friend.

"You alright?"

Korra remained silent, and Korzi sat down next to her. They both stared out at the ocean, lost in thought. After several minutes, Korra suddenly spoke up, her voice tense. "Why did I even do that?" she exclaimed.

"Korra don't beat yourself up about it."

"I don't even know what I was thinking," Korra muttered, unable to meet Korzi's eyes.

"I think I have a pretty good idea," Korzi replied, a hint of sarcasm lacing her voice, leaving Korra feeling even more ashamed. She hadn't realized that Korzi had seen them kiss.

"I'm sorry," Korra finally managed to say, the words coming out as a quiet mumble.

Korzi sighed and placed a hand on Korra's shoulder. "It's not me you need to apologize to," she said gently. "You hurt Bolin pretty badly."

"I know, and I'm going to apologize to him," Korra promised, before getting up to leave.

"But why apologize to me?" Korzi called after her, confused.

"Because you're my friend, and I don't want to lose that," Korra replied softly.

"Oh... Korra, you'd never lose me." Korzi replied before Korra disappeared in the direction of Bolin and Mako.

Korzi lingered on the balcony, savouring the peacefulness of the ocean waves as they mirrored the strength and resilience of the water tribe girl that has been clouding her consciousness for some time now.

She marvelled at how the water could shift from calm to tempestuous, much like Korra's mercurial nature. And the shade of blue was reminiscent of Korra's piercing gaze.

The ocean was a fitting representation of Korra's spirit, unyielding and determined, yet capable of embracing tranquillity when necessary.

Korzi's smile faded as a realization hit her like a brick to the face.

Do I like her?


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