[23] ✽ Secrets and More ✽

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{new chapter! ✉}

♪ song suggestion~ ♪
● BTS (Jin) - Epiphany ●


Everyone had their own secrets and to keep it deep inside, they tend to lie. Being so cautioned in hiding their secrets, people always forget how a single lie leads to a web of lies spawn to strangle one own's life in the end.

Clenching your fists, you realised that the lunch bag was still in your hands. Too fixed to find some space you didn't remember to even deliever it but now you didn't have any appetite either.

With a loud crash you threw the bag of lunch and coffees you bought a few minutes back into the bin nearby, glaring at it for a brief moment.

You took in a deep breath and exhaled out the heavy breath you were subconsciously holding in. The floor beneath your legs seemed to sway as you tightly held on the sink porcelain, dizziness lingering in your vision as well.



Unable to keep the choking sob inside, you let it out slowly while clenching your knuckles to the tight extent that it paled unnaturally. Warm tears started flowing down from your eyes as you shook your head, trying to eliminate any assumption.

"Why am I even crying?"

You didn't know the answer oddly but the heavy feeling of betrayal and being lied to remained inside you. Thankfully you were alone inside the bathroom so no one could see or hear you crying to yourself.


Unable to understand why you were feeling hurt or disappointed, you softly sniffed in hopes to calm down. Maybe it was because you didn't expect Jungkook to keep secret from you, specially about digging into your own personal life.

You could not comprehend what was his aim was to dig into your tragic past and deal with it like business when both of you were finally getting close, or so you thought.

"Maybe I am just overreacting. I don't even know the whole story and maybe he did it for a good reason."

You tried to assure yourself though a tiny voice behind your head was screaming that it was all lies and that you had already heard it all.

With a determined feeling to first find out the situation you looked up in the mirror to see your mildly red eyes staring back at your own dishevelled state.

What a mess I am.

The lunch break was almost about to be over because you had unknowingly spent a good amount of time here, brooding. You quickly washed your face and wiped it with some tissues.

Glad that you didn't use any makeup you still looked the same like you never cried. Arranging your dress and hair you took one last glance at your ownself before nodding.

"Just be normal, everything is okay."

With that you walked out of the bathroom, surprised to see some other co-workers from different department standing near the door.

Looking as equally startled as you they began to laugh or cough nervously but all avoiding eye contact. Narrowing your eyes, you tried to think why they were all gathered out before a thought hit you.

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