Part 5- The Argument of Balance

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(Hello again! Long time no see! Just kidding, but it feels like forever. I kept losing motivation with this one, and I had to start over at one point because I didn't like it, but nonetheless I finally did it. Even though very few people care, I am still proud lol. I hope you enjoy, and everything I said in the last part applies here as well. Thank you!)


My eyes seem to weigh a thousand pounds as I open them slowly, blinded by the light emitting from my window. I knew I should have gotten curtains...

I lay stiff in bed for a while, thinking about the day ahead. My muscles are tired and sore for God knows what reason and I seem to sink into my mattress a little more.

Today is a Saturday, which I am extremely thankful for. No responsibilities, no issues, no people I can manage to disappoint. I can simply do nothing all day and no one will care. I need this, after the last few days.

I turn my head a little to look at the old fashioned clock on my nightstand, reading 9:03 AM. I sigh. It's too early for me to get up now.

I instead stare at the ceiling, watching the shadows from the whistling trees move around. My eyes open and close rhythmically and I start to drift off to sleep again, when I hear a rustling from across the room.

Damnit, Mark.

I look up uncomfortably to see Mark beginning to stand. He doesn't look the least bit tired, almost exactly like he did before he went to sleep.

He feigns a yawn and smacks his lips in satisfaction before glancing at me. I let my head fall back against the pillow, relaxing. I try to close my eyes before he notices.

Too late.

"Good morning." He says with a light stretch. I groan in response, burying myself under my blankets.

Mark chuckles a bit, but then we sit in silence for a few moments.

Despite getting a full eight hours of sleep, I feel more tired now than when I actually went to bed.

I stretch slightly, working up the willpower to get out of bed. I roll around a bit, seeming to sink deeper into the mattress like it's quick sand.

Finally, I yawn and get up, kicking my legs over the bedside and dragging myself upright. I rub my eyes for a moment, stretching a bit more.

When I finally feel like it, I open my eyes and glance at Mark, an annoyed expression on my face. He doesn't seem to notice as he rambles on.

"Did I wake you?" He begins unsympathetically, "Sorry."

"You didn't." I say bluntly in a raspy voice. I clear my throat a couple times before continuing. "How long have you been up?"

"Not long" he remarks quickly, a fresh breath of air escaping his lips as if he just had a workout. "Funny enough, I'm not tired at all."

"I can see that." I contemplate getting back into bed. It's too early for this.

"Today is Saturday, right?" He looks at me, hope gleaming in his eyes.

"Yeah." I reply, stepping off my bed. My feet feel cold against the carpet, but I am grateful to not have hardwood floors. I shiver as I get up, craving the warmth of my blankets.

Instead of facing my cold, I simply grab one of the smaller blankets and wrap it around my shoulders like a cloak.

Mark smiles slightly, and I assume he's happy he doesn't have to spend the day alone again.

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