Part 6- Rethinking Relationships

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(Hello again! How is your day going? I hope it's going well. I won't take up too much of your time, I'll just let you get to the story lol. I hope you enjoy, since I genuinely liked writing this part for some reason. I don't know why, so don't ask haha.


The cool air breathes across my face as I make my way to Ava's house. From looking out my window, I would have never been able to tell how windy it would be today. It feels like I am going to be blown away.

It gives me a chance to focus on my shivering body rather than on the conversation I just had a day ago.

I still don't want to leave Mark alone with his thoughts, lord knows I wouldn't enjoy being in a claustrophobic void with only the voices in my head to keep me company, but I can tell he needs space. I hope that giving him time to think about his past actions will help him settle down.

He still hasn't talked to me. He's barely moved from his position in the corner of my room. I've tried giving him supper, I've tried changing the conversation, but I haven't gotten two words out of him since our argument. I hope I didn't hurt him too bad. Hoping I didn't hurt him at all seems like hoping no water hits you on a rainy day. Practically impossible.

Ava's house finally comes into view and I give an audible sigh of relief. With her presence, I can bury my problems in the back of my head with ease. However, as I head closer to her house I realize that she opens up a whole different set of problems that I don't exactly want to touch right now.

I finally reach her house after about an hour of walking and knock on the door. It opens slightly after a few seconds, but stops. I look around confused before she pops her head out from behind the door, a big smile on her face. She giggles, which makes me giggle. I roll my eyes, pretending to be annoyed as I step closer.

"You're so weird," I chuckle, "Just let me in already."

She laughs as she slides the door open more and I scoot through, welcomed by the warm heat of her house. I breathe it in and relax, thankful to be out of the November wind. I start to feel my nose again and I smile while rubbing it.

"That cold out there?" Ava asks casually, "The news channel said it was supposed to be 50 degrees out today." (10 degrees Celsius if you're cool)

"Yeah, well, the news channel was wrong." I say, glancing at her to the side.

"Oh." she grabs my coat from me. It takes a weight I hadn't even noticed off my back. "Well, is it too cold to go to the park, then?"

"Yes!" I say without hesitation. I remember that our initial plan was to go to the park near Ava's house, and suddenly I am extremely grateful for the cold that attacked me on the way here. "Uh, it's way too cold."

My response raises an eyebrow from Ava, who looks at me suspiciously. I glance at the ground timidly, hoping she didn't notice my happiness.

"Ok, well I guess you'll just have to leave then." She says, a smile growing on her face again. She starts ushering me towards the door sarcastically.

"Oh, come on!" I whine. She giggles and hangs my coat up. "You're telling me we can't do something here?"

"Well, what would you want to do?" She urges me in more, and we arrive at her empty kitchen.

"Did you say you got Mario Kart a couple days ago?" I ask eagerly. Her grin widens and she nods.

"I bet I can beat you," She shouts, running to her room.

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