Part 20- Memento Mori

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The screen blares to life in the girl's hands. The light reflects in her eyes, and she looks at it in sorrow and wonder as a man in a black suit appears on screen, sitting personally with the viewer. She recognizes the man as the one she's gotten to know well over the last year, though the man doesn't know it, the two have shared 365 memories. She peers in closer, her lip quivering, knowing whatever he has to say will be part of his last breaths.

"Hello, again. So the time has come. It's been a year. Wow. but I just wanted to say a few things before this channel dies.

"First off, yes, I am deleting this after this video. I'll leave it up for 12 hours and then it will be taken down, along with the rest of the channel. I know some people had their doubts that we were going to delete the channel, but, I mean, you were wrong. Heh.

"So it's been a whole year. I can't believe how long it's been, I feel like I started this channel yesterday. I guess time goes by faster when it's running out, huh? But sometimes, that's okay.

"For some reason, I'm not sad about deleting this. I mean, I've been told that deleting my channel was stupid by so many people, and I kind of feel bad for them because they never got the reason I'm making this. The death is the whole point. I get that it's bad for views, or bad for fame, but that's not what this channel is- was- is? About. I never made this channel so I could get rich and famous. I never did this for... any reason, really. Just one day, I decided 'hey, let's make a Youtube channel that dies and teaches people how to deal with death'. And it just stuck with me since.

"I never really thought I'd come this far, there was always some doubt in my mind that said 'I wouldn't make it' or 'I'd get zero views' or 'I'm going to get tired of this' which I did get tired of it at times, but I just decided to keep with it. I knew that this video would make the whole year worth it to me.

"Not to say this year was absolutely terrible or anything, I made a ton of friends and had some really good memories, and I learned a lot about myself too. I think this channel has made just as much impact on me as it has all you guys. It really made me focus on something and I made something I am so proud of now.

"And hearing your guys' stories and meeting you guys has been such an amazing thing, I mean I didn't really understand what 4 million subscribers really meant until I would see people from across the street wave and chant "UNUS ANNUS". It was honestly a bit creepy, but I am so happy to have met you guys. It just solidifies that I'm actually doing something here.

"I feel like, I'm not really sad. About this channel dying. I kind of always knew that it was going to die- well I did know, but sometimes it just kind of slipped my mind that making this content wouldn't last forever. It feels kind of weird that I won't have to wake up and film or edit tomorrow, though. I'm not happy, though. It's a really weird in between. I don't know how to describe it.

"And I know that I'm going to miss this, a lot, but that's okay too. It just brings the theme back.

"I really hope I got my point across. Because if not, then this would have all been for nothing. I mean sure, we've had some laughs, and we've felt pretty much every emotion on the planet, but if we don't feel grief, then what was the point?

"But, anyway, if it didn't get across, it's kind of too late now.

"I'd like to thank Amy for helping with filming and editing, and Mark, who you guys could never see but had to just kind of trust was there with me. I'd like to thank you guys, most of all, for being a part of the journey with me, because without you guys, this would be nothing- I would be nothing. You guys can carry on and if just one of you keeps this channel in the back of your head for the rest of your life, then my job will be done and I can rest in peace.

"Well, this has been fun."

"You're ending it there?!"

"Well, yeah, how else am I supposed to end it?"

"Say something cool dumbass."

"Ohmylord alright fine. Sorry, Mark's a bit grumpy today. Do you want to say hi, Mark?"

"Oh, yeah, hi. I love you all, and if this is the last time I talk to you, goodbye."

"Do you wanna come over here, finish this video off?"

"You sure?"

"Obviously. Bring Amy too."

"But I don't want to go on..."

"Oh, come on Amy."

A girl enters the screen, and the two make room for another entity that can't be seen.


"We have to be. Don't we?"


"Memento Mori, my friends."

"'Unus"' "Unus"

"'Annus"' "Annus"

The screen goes black, and only then does the girl realize she's crying.

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