Chapter 2- Intro to emotional suits.

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Chapter 2

Tony P.O.V

I sit on my couches at Stark Tower with the rest of The Avengers. Thor has his hammer at his side, Clint has his bow not that far off and Natasha has a hidden gun. Steve's shield is behind the couch and Bruce of course has himself. I don't worry about my armor since I can easily deploy it.

We sit together laughing at some funny memories of being together and suddenly Jarvis's voice comes over.

"Sir, I..." I cut him off.

"Jarvis, not now." I say and take a drink of my beer. I get up to get alcohol when I hear a familiar whirr of a suit. I look out the window and see a green flash coming towards us. Suddenly it stops in front of the tower windows.

Two fighter jets follow the suit and arms lift up and missiles come out.

"Oh not in the middle of New York." I hear Clint say as we still sit there watching the interaction. Suddenly the fighter jets back off. The suit flies to my landing and walks into the room. We all watch it stop and look around the room.

It walks to the couch and sits down. We watch it for a minute and then it breaks the silence.

"So how are you today?" The robotic voice says as if it is on a casual Sunday meeting with us. I walk over and grab a cup and pour scotch into it. I hold it up and begin speaking.

"I'm alright, although I'm quite curious as to why you've decided to join our private party." I say and take a drink of the alcohol. The voice lets out a laugh.

"Who would I be not to make my presence known at a private party? I am sad though you wouldn't invite me." The robotic voice answers and the suit leans back into the couch and props up a leg on its knee and crosses its arms over the chest and arc reactor. It just sits there while Clint comes up with a snappy answer.

"Looks like we have another Iron Man similar to you, Tony." Clint aka Hawkeye says. The suit lets out another robotic laugh and we all glance at it.

"You have no idea how true that might just be." The voice says and it confuses me. It keeps chuckling inside the suit as we all look at it.

"Who do you think you are?" Clint asks this time and it chuckles again. It stands up and we all do, getting ready to fight if needed. I get ready to call my own suit. The person looks over all of us with its gaze for a minute. It hesitates on me for a second.

"Relax, I'm just getting comfortable." The voice says and we all tense up a lot because nothing really goes well. The suit holds out its hand and I hear the voice ask something. "Alice, please retract suit." It says and another robotic voice answers with.

"Yes Ma'am." The suit retracts from itself showing a body in skinny jeans and a loose baggy shirt. I didn't expect for it to be a women. The women sits back down on the couch and we stare at her. I decide to make a move.

"Jarvis, run face trace." I say and I know Jarvis will do it without answering unless there is a problem, but what I don't expect is for her to say something.

"Alice, block Jarvis's trace." She says and I smirk down at her. Does she really think that she can stop Jarvis with a simple command from something else?

"Who says you can b-"I begin and Jarvis cuts me off unexpectedly.

"Sir, we cannot face trace her. It looks like I'm being denied." He says to me and I look shocked and my face turns into a frown. I guess she can stop Jarvis. She smirks and everyone else looks at her shocked.

"Who do you think you are?" I growl at her angrily and she begins to laugh at me. Laugh at Tony Stark. Ha! She looks at me for a minute and the walks up, standing in front of me. She looks into my eyes.

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