Emma Miller

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Chapter One: Emma Miller

My heart starts racing when the boys of my class flirtatiously cheer after the teacher waves me up to the front of the class. My feet were heavy, slowly planting their roots deeper into the ground with every step I took.

"Hello my name is Emma Miller and I will be presenting the poem I wrote titled Isolation," I said and moved my blonde hair from my eyes as I started to croak out words.

"I am walking down crowded hallways filled with people who don't have faces.

They are nameless. They are meaningless. Empty shells called humans.

Or maybe that is just me.

Just a faceless wannabe.

Everyone knows my name but they don't know me.

I don't know me.


Complete isolation.

Causes a person or place to be or remain alone or apart from others.

For example,

the feeling of loneliness when walking down crowded hallways filled with people.

I'm Emma Miller.

Or am I?" I said, completing my presentation.

Silence filled the room matching the silence that had been flooding my head. I stood in front of the classroom waiting for some sort of sign to let me know I could sit back down. All I wanted to do was run to my seat and bury my face into my bag. Mr. Price excitedly clapped his hands. Or nervously. I couldn't tell.

"Alright! That was great! Very descriptive. Really got me feeling the moment. Good job Emma. You may now take a seat," he finally spoke which made me release a breath of relief.

I put on my best smile and after a pause the class decided to finally clap. I finally make it back to my seat and I search for my best friend's comforting face. Levi gave me a thumbs up and Mr. Price walked over to grab his clipboard. The rest of the class gradually made it through their presentations and the bell finally rang. The room full of empty shells eagerly made their way out the door and I was left walking out with Levi. He was less of a shell and more of a human which I have always loved. It seemed as if the moment we had walked into the hallway, girls instantly crowded me.

"Oh my gosh! Emma I heard about your poem! Logan was texting me all about it during class. I think he has a crush on you by the wayyy," Hannah exclaimed and I laughed nervously and turned to the spot next to me where Levi was.

"You and Logan would be such a power move! You both are total hotties," Olivia nodded and crossed her arms.

"Power couple? Haha that is far fetched. Right Levi? Me and Logan wow," I said and I nudged Levi who only threw up a thumbs up in reply.

"Girl, you say that about everybody. When are you going to get a prom date or a boyfriend or something?" Ally asked.

"She has never said that about me. Me and Emma are actually going to prom together. Right Em?" Levi asked and I gave him a thankful smile. He is a real lifesaver.

"Why are we just finding out about this?!" Hannah squealed.

"Well he only asked me this morning," I said. I mean, it technically wasn't a lie.

Suddenly, Olivia was hit by a passing shoulder.

"Ew did that skank just touch you?" Ally asked and the girl who had bumped into Olivia turned around flipping us all off.

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