Chapter 7 Quidditch Cup

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"Ivy!" The two girls hugged each other tightly.

"How are you?"

"I'm good, you?"

"Oh you know my family disowned me, I'm living with the Weasley's, nothing new."

"I'm so sorry Ivy.."

"It's ok. I don't care."

"Oh.. well come on let's go to breakfast." The two headed into the Great Hall. They sat at the table and started putting stuff on their plate. Ivy received a letter with a certain crest on the front, the Rose family crest. She sighed and opened it.

'Dear Ivanna Rose,

We are very sorry for what happened. We are willing to take you back on one condition. You need to break up with your boyfriend, Oliver Wood. We will not take no as an answer. Fail to do so, we will have your secret revealed. We are keeping tabs on you. We have someone at Hogwarts watching your every move. You will stay as a Rose.

Love, your mother and father'

Ivy felt someone staring at her. She looked up and saw Flint smirking at her. She thought he was the rat. Ivy took the letter and stormed out of the hall, not saying another word. She started running. She bumped into someone.

"Ivy, hey." She ignored him. "Ivy wait!" He grabbed her wrists. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing Wood. I'm fine."

"Oh.. I was wondering if you would like to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?" Ivy didn't know what to say. She didn't want her parents blackmailing her. She wanted to go with him, but she can't.

"No. I will not go out with you. I hate your guts, Wood."


"I said I hate you! Don't talk to me ever again! Fuck you Wood! You are nothing to me!"

"D-Did I do something wrong? Ivy please.."

"Shut up! I hate you!" Her voice cracked. "Goodbye Wood." Ivy walked away from the sad boy. She made her way to her dorm. Ivy laid on her bed and started crying. "N-No... I can't believe I did that to him.." Ivy held the letter in her hand over a candle. She watched it burn. If her secret got out to the school.. who knows what will happen.


Ivy only came out for classes and meals. She didn't go out with Izzy or anyone else. She spent her free time in her dorm, crying. She had an idea. It was crazy, but it was the only option she had left to be happy. Ivy was walking in the hallway when she was stopped by Marcus Flint.

"Hello Ivy."

"Flint. What do you want?"

"Nothing much." He pulled her into a secluded hallway. "I just wanna snog you."

"Fuck off."

"If you don't then maybe I'll have to tell your parents how bad you are." He pinned her to the wall. She couldn't escape his grip. He was too strong. He started kissing her neck.

"G-Get off Flint!" Suddenly, Flint flew back. Ivy stared at a furious Oliver. Flint ran away in horror.

"Are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah.. Thank you." Oliver walked away. Ivy needed to carry her plan out fast. She couldn't live like this. She wanted Oliver back. Ivy sighed and went to her dorm. She got ready for her final quidditch match against Ravenclaw. Once she was done, she headed to the pitch. Flint winked at her. Ivy scoffed and grabbed her broom. Soon, the match started. Ivy had the quaffle. She flew to the hoops and threw the ball. She focused on how angry she was at her family, Flint, and her relationship with Oliver. She used all her force in that throw. She made it in the hoop, hitting the keeper and knocking them out. She smirked. Without the keeper, it was a free win. Points racked up fast. It was now 190 to 70. A miracle happened, Terence Higgs caught the snitch. They won the match! Ivy flew down and hugged Higgs tightly. "Good job Higgs!"

"Thank you." The boy was so happy.

"The winner of the quidditch cup is Slytherin!" Lee Jordan announced. The Slytherins cheered so loud. From the corner of her eye, Ivy saw an angry looking Oliver. He took quidditch very seriously. Ivy smirked at him. The Slytherins went back in the common room to have a party. Ivy changed into a dress and went back down to the common room. It was very loud. The common room was filled with people from other houses as well.

"Congratulations Ivy!" Izzy hugged her.

"Thank you."

"You look nice."

"So do you." Izzy smiled at her.

"You look very happy. I haven't seen this in weeks. Keep this up Ivy, please."

"I'll try." For hours they partied. Izzy danced with many boys while Ivy just stayed in the corner.

"Why are you standing alone?" Ivy looked at the person or persons.

"Fred? George? What are you doing here?"

"To party."

"Now why are you alone?"

"Why not?"

"You don't want to dance?"

"Not really.. I want to dance with someone but I blew that chance."

"You did? What did you do?"

"Well I was forced to do it. I can't explain. Also I most likely won't be at the burrow this summer."



"Family issues..."


"Well come on."

"Dance with us."


"Come on Ivy!" The twins dragged her away from the corner and started dancing. Ivy chuckled.

"You two look so stupid."

"Be stupid with us!" She shook her head.

"No thank you boys." Ivy started to walk away when Fred grabbed her wrist and twirled her.

"Come on Ivy! Just this once!"

"Please! You have to!"

"Fine." Ivy spent the rest of the party dancing with the twins. She enjoyed it. They were funny and really nice. Ivy loved their company. She hoped her plan will succeed so she could spend more time with them at the burrow. She didn't want to spend anymore time with her family. This plan needs to work.

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