Chapter 27 Fuck You

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"Wake up Ivy. It's your big day." Ivy groaned. "Come on. Get dressed and we can head to breakfast together."

"Alright! I'm up." Ivy got ready for the day. She brushed her teeth and put on the outfit that Izzy picked out last night. Izzy applied some makeup on the girl and did her hair. She straightened Ivy's hair a bit.

"Look in the mirror." Ivy obeyed and her jaw dropped.

"Oh my Merlin. Izzy.. This is amazing! I love you!"

"Love you too babe. Now let's go make olive oil jealous." The two left the common room and walked through the corridors. Whenever Ivy walked by, people whispered or stood there in shock. They soon made it to the Great Hall. Ivy spotted Oliver. His friend tapped on his shoulder and pointed to Ivy. Oliver turned around and his eyes widened. Ivy smirked and sat down at her table.

"Did you see the look on his face?" Izzy said.

"Yeah! It was hilarious." The two piled their plate with food. Percy came over and sat across from Izzy.


"Hey Perce."

"You look beautiful Isabella. Also Ivy, I talked to Oliver. He said that he'll think about it."

"Thank you." Ivy began eating when someone came over to the table.

"Ivy. May I talk to you for a second? Outside." Ivy got up and the two left the Great Hall. They went to an empty corridor. Some students followed them, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"What is it Wood?"

"I'm sorry. I just got angry seeing Diggory kiss you. I thought you didn't like me anymore.. Can we be together again?"

"No. I'm good."


"After the breakup, I've realized something. I don't need a man. I don't need you, Wood."


"Bye Wood." Ivy smirked at him and left. The boy just stood there. Ivy went back to the Great Hall and sat next to Izzy."


"We're officially done."

"Did he want you back?"

"Mhm." Ivy ate her food. Once she finished, she got up.

"Where you going?"

"For a walk."

"Alright. See ya."

"Bye Izzy." Ivy went for a walk in the corridors. Many stared at her. Gossip spreads fast in Hogwarts. Half the school already knew that they were done.

"Rose!" Ivy turned around to be greeted by a random Ravenclaw. "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?"

"No thanks." Ivy walked away. Did no one get the message? She doesn't need a man! But.. how about a girlfriend? I mean she has felt feelings for a girl before. Over the summer she met a girl in Paris. They spent a lot of time together. She hasn't seen that girl since. She had pretty blonde hair. Maybe she goes to that France school. She probably forgot about Ivy though.

"Ivy! Hey.."


"I heard about the breakup. You know if you ever need anything, tell me."

"Thank you."

"Alright well I'll be in the Hufflepuff common room. If you need anything, tell the painting that you need me."

"Thanks." Ivy went to her dorm. She laid down on her bed and sighed. 'You know Izzy is kind of cute. What are you saying Ivy? She's your best friend! And she has a boyfriend! You're so stupid. Why would she even like you like that?'

"Hey!" Izzy said as she entered the dorm.


"How are you doing?"

"Good I guess."

"You sure? We can go on another date if you want." Izzy winked at her.

"Sure. Why not?"



"We can dance and listen to music in the astronomy tower."

"That sounds great. Thanks Izz."


"What if I get a girlfriend?"

"Then you would have a girlfriend. Are you still thinking of that blonde chick from Paris? What was her name? Flower?" Ivy chuckled.

"Yes but that's not her name."

"You need to get over her. It's been years!"

"I wonder. How is she doing right now?"

"Stop thinking about her. Oh by the way, Dumbledore is picking a few students to travel to a school of our choice to learn more about different kinds of magic. Only sixth and seventh years are allowed."


"Yeah. He's picking groups of five."



"We should go!"

"You have to enter your name to go, which I already did for you. You're welcome."

"Thank you Izzy!"

"No problem."

"If I get picked I'm going to that French school."

"To meet your soulmate? Oh flower! I love you! Soulmates!" Izzy mocked. Ivy threw a pillow at her.

"Shut up Izzy." Ivy giggled. "Would you come if I get picked?"

"Maybe if I get picked. I put my name in as well."

"Lovely. I'm going to take a nap now."

"Alright I'll wake you up for lunch."

"Thanks Izz."

Chasing For Wood- A Oliver Wood x Oc FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now